
Israel: 65% of Israelis reject military operation in Gaza; Polls

29 August 2022; MEMO: Israel's public have rejected suggestions that the Israeli army should opt for a wide-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip to restore calm for settlements near the coastal enclave, an Israeli TV reported on Sunday.

Israel's Channel 13 TV conducted a poll, asking Israelis to comment on Chief of Staff of Israeli Army Aviv Kohavi's remarks about a military operation in Gaza to achieve calm for 15 years.

Israel medical residents submit mass resignation over 26-hour shifts

26 August 2022; MEMO: Two hundred Israeli medical residents resigned yesterday in protest against the 26-hour shifts they are having to carry out.

The head of the Medical Residents Organisation (Mirsham), Dr. Rey Biton, said that some 200 medical residents are resigning in the first stage of the protest, with many more coming if the crisis is not solved.

Pro-Russia forces release Israeli who fought on behalf of Ukraine

26 August 2022; MEMO: Ukrainian separatists who support Russia yesterday released an Israeli citizen whom they had held captive in Ukraine's Luhansk region, the Times of Israel reported, citing Russian state media.

Vladimir Kozolevsky was transferred to the Russian border and is expected to be returned to Israel.

Kozolevsky lived for many years in Ukraine and was arrested at the end of June.

Israel: We have started military preparation for a military strike against Iran; Mossad Chief

26 August 2022; MEMO: Chief of the Israeli Mossad, David Barnea, described the emerging Iranian nuclear deal signed between Iran and world powers as "a strategic disaster" for Israel, and that "Israel has already begun preparations for a military strike against Iran if such action is deemed necessary."

Israel to expand cooperation with US to face Iran; Gantz

27 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz has announced that Israel and the US will "continue to expand cooperation in the face of Iran's aggression," Israeli media reported on Friday.
Gantz made his remarks alongside US Central Command Chief Michael Kurilla during a Thursday visit to the US Central Command (CENTCOM) headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.

Israel bans Jordanian tribal judge from entry

25 August 2022; MEMO: Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked has prevented senior Jordanian tribal judge Sheikh Trad Al-Fayez from entering Israel, Arab48 reported yesterday.

Shaked tweeted: "After violating the conditions of the visa and serious incitement against the state [of Israel], I ordered that he [Al-Fayez] be banned from entering Israel."

Israel’s premier urges West to reject Iran nuclear deal

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s prime minister urged President Joe Biden and Western powers to call off an emerging nuclear deal with Iran, saying that negotiators are letting Tehran manipulate the talks and that an agreement would reward Israel’s enemies.

Yair Lapid called the emerging agreement a “bad deal” and suggested that Biden has failed to honor red lines he had previously promised to set.

Palestine prisoners inside Israel jails to start hunger strike

24 August 2022; MEMO: The National Palestinian Prisoners' Movement announced yesterday that prisoners in Israeli jails will embark on an open-ended hunger strike, starting 1 September, a statement said.

"We get in touch with you despite the continuous jailer's attempt to break our will and unity, as well as in light of the continuous arbitrary measures taken against us," the prisoners said in their statement.

Israel spyware company NSO seeks buyer as CEO resigns

22 August 2022; MEMO: The CEO of the Israeli spyware firm NSO Group and one of its founders, Shalev Hulio, has resigned from his position and will be responsible for searching for a buyer for the company. NSO also informed 100 employees that they would be dismissed. The company's COO Yaron Shohat will take over from Hulio until a successor is named, according to Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

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