
Sisi’s son bans intelligence officers leaving Egypt to prevent internal revolt

1 Oct 2019; MEMO: Egypt’s General Intelligence Undersecretary Mahmoud Al-Sisi, who is the president’s son, has banned intelligence officials from leaving the country in anticipation of an internal revolt, sources have told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

An anonymous source told the website: “Al-Sisi’s son commissioned a committee of security leaders to start an extensive investigation on intelligence officers which will include a detailed report on their bank transactions and communications.”

Egypt detains over 83 women in September

1 Oct 2019; MEMO: Egypt has detained over 83 women in September alone, according to figures compiled by the rights group We Record.

The arrests are part of a widescale crackdown in Egypt in September as the government moves to curb protests which have swept across the country for two weeks in a row calling on President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to stand down.

Egypt rejects statement of UN body on recent anti-gov't protests

CAIRO, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Egypt rejected on Saturday the recent statement issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on recent protests in Egypt.

"It is unacceptable that such statement is issued by a UN entity that should verify the accuracy of its statement and should not base its assessments on assumptions and expectations in order to promote impressions that run counter to the reality and truth of matters," Egypt's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Egypt's security forces move to block anti-Sisi protests

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian police mounted a huge show of force in central Cairo and closed off entrances to Tahrir Square on Friday after calls for protests against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi following opposition accusations of corruption, which he denies.

Protests broke out on Sept. 20 in Cairo and other cities following online calls for demonstrations against alleged graft by Sisi and the powerful military.

1,909 detained in Egypt as crackdown continues

26 Sep 2019; MEMO: The number of arrests in Egypt has hit 1,909, according to figures documented by the Cairo-based NGO the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights.

Since the 20 September protests began in Egypt security services have been rounding up journalists, lawyers and politicians in a bid to quash further demonstrations.

6 members of Egypt’s Istiqlal Party arrested at dawn

24 Sep 2019; MEMO: Six members of the Istiqlal Party in Egypt were arrested at dawn today as Egypt moves to crackdown on anyone supporting recent demonstrations in the country, Ahmed El-Attar, a rights activist working for the the Egyptian Coordination for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF), has told MEMO.

Egypt Government censors BBC and others over pictures of demonstrations

23 Sep 2019; MEMO: The Egyptian authorities have censored several media website, including BBC Arabic, for reporting news about the demonstrations that broke out on Friday evening in Cairo and several governorates against El-Sisi.

The websites of Al Hurra, ARIJ, and several other media outlets have also been blocked as part of a government campaign to mislead the public.

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