
African economic conference calls on policymakers to curb red-tape

SHARM EL SHEIKH (Egypt), Dec 4 (NNN-XINHUA) — The African Economic Conference (AEC-2019) called on African policymakers to take bold steps to tackle red-tape and high startup costs in order to create decent and well-paying jobs for the continent’s youth.

The call was made by African experts and policymakers attending this year’s edition of the African Economic Conference, a flagship joint initiative of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Egypt Says New Meeting On Nile Dam Dispute To Be Held In Washington

CAIRO, Dec 4 (NNN-MENA) – Egypt said, a new trilateral meeting on the disputed Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), will be held in Washington on Dec 9.

Irrigation ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan will attend the meeting, to evaluate the results of the first and second rounds of talks on the dam, the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation said, in a statement.

Egypt students walk out of ex-US envoy to Israel talk

03 Dec 2019; MEMO: More than 150 students staged a walkout during a talk by former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer’s talk at the American University in Cairo yesterday.

Chanting slogans against the Israeli occupation and holding banners in support of the Palestinian cause, the students withdrew from what they said was a debate supported by the Israeli occupation.

Grand Imam of Al-Azhar accuses Egyptian regime of oppression

02 Dec 2019; MEMO: Egypt’s Grand Imam of Al- Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb said the country’s largest religious establishment is subjected to an unprecedented campaign of persecution and media blockade by the country’s state-run newspapers and media outlets.

Al-Tayeb explained during a pre-recorded interview broadcasted on Channel One, on Saturday that it is only with great difficulty that the al- Azhar is allowed to publish an article in response to an article that insults it.

Islamic State says London Bridge attack carried out by one of its fighters

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State said the London Bridge attack on Friday was carried out by one of its fighters, the group’s Amaq news agency reported on Saturday. The group did not provide any evidence.

It added that the attack was made in response to Islamic State calls to target countries that have been part of a coalition fighting the jihadist group.

First Non-Stop Flight From Cairo To China’s Hangzhou Takes Off

CAIRO, Nov 30 (NNN-XINHUA) – The first non-stop flight from Egypt’s capital Cairo to the city of Hangzhou in eastern China has taken off from the Cairo International Airport at 02:00 local time (00:00 GMT).

With the flight number MS953, the flight, which is launched by Egypt’s flag carrier, EgyptAir, will spend around 11 hours in the air and land on Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport at 19:00 local time (11:00 GMT).

The flight almost carries a full cabin and the environment on the flight is quite cozy, said Fu Hangliang, a passenger on the flight.

Amnesty: Egypt uses prosecution branch to crush dissent

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s government is using a secretive security agency designed to fight terrorism to detain peaceful protesters, journalists and critics on trumped-up charges without trial, Amnesty International said in a report released Wednesday.

The 60-page report by the London-based rights group details how Egypt’s Supreme State Security Prosecution, or SSSP, has become increasingly central to President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi’s sweeping crackdown on dissent.

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