Egypt Says New Meeting On Nile Dam Dispute To Be Held In Washington

Renaissance Dam

CAIRO, Dec 4 (NNN-MENA) – Egypt said, a new trilateral meeting on the disputed Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), will be held in Washington on Dec 9.

Irrigation ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan will attend the meeting, to evaluate the results of the first and second rounds of talks on the dam, the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation said, in a statement.

The statement was issued after a two-day meeting of irrigation ministers, that ended Tuesday in Cairo, during which they discussed solutions to the differences on the filling and operating of the dam.

A representative of the World Bank and a U.S. official also attended the Cairo meeting, which was the second of four rounds of negotiations, that will end in Washington on Jan 15, 2020.

Ethiopia started building the GERD in 2011, but Egypt, a downstream country that relies heavily on the Nile for water, is concerned that the dam might affect its share of the water resources.