Egyptian security arrests famous media emperor

30 Nov 2019; MEMO: Egyptian security forces have arrested the famous businessman and former intelligence officer, Yasser Selim, who has been known as a ‘media emperor’ after buying several famous channels and mass media, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported on Friday.

Selim has been known as one of the arms of the Egyptian intelligence services responsible for mass media.

Local Egyptian mass media confirmed that Selim was arrested over complaints made against him relating to two major media groups, including one affiliated with general intelligence services.

Selim, who was in hiding, was a deputy director of one of the two media firms.

He was one of the most effective media people and was key in the intelligence control over mass media, including newspaper and satellite channels over the past five years.

Since Selim entered the media profession in 2014, he has been regarded as a façade for the general intelligence services.

He started his media work as a producer, and in 2014 he owned an advertisement company known as Black and White. He also owned Dot Egypt news website after the death of its chief editor, Abdullah Kamal.