
Developments in Venezuela show US' real attitude toward international law

MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. Developments in Venezuela show West's real attitude toward international law, Russian Foreign Ministry's official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page on Thursday.

"The developments in Venezuela show very well how progressive Western society really treats international law, sovereignty and non-interference into internal affairs of other states, by manually changing the power there [in Venezuela]," Zakharova said.

Russia denies its missile violates INF treaty

MOSCOW, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Russian 9M729 land-based cruise missile, contrary to the allegations of the United States, does not fall under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), senior Russian officials said Wednesday.

"Russia has fulfilled and continues to strictly observe the provisions of the treaty and does not allow any violations," said Lt.-Gen. Mikhail Matveyevsky, Chief of the Missile Troops and Artillery Branch of the Russian Armed Forces.

Russia hails troop withdrawal talks between US, Taliban

22 Jan 2019; AA: Russian presidential envoy for Afghanistan welcomed on Tuesday contacts between the representatives of the U.S. and the Taliban, local media reported.

Speaking to RIA, a Russian news agency, Zamir Kabulov said Moscow is "positive" about the talks between the two sides regarding the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Kabulov said U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad is expected to visit Moscow in February.

All Tupolev-22M3 grounded till end of probe into Tuesday’s crash

MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. All strategic bombers Tupolev-22M3 have been grounded until the end of the probe into the causes of Tuesday’s air crash near Murmansk, a source in the law enforcement has said.

"For now all Tupolev-22M3 have been banned from flying until the causes of today’s crash become clear," the source said.

Russia’s Aerospace Force registers Israeli missile launch over Mediterranean

MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. Russia’s Aerospace Force has registered the launch of an Israeli target missile over the Mediterranean Sea, the Defense Ministry of Russia said on Tuesday.

"Today, at 07:35 Moscow time, the Aerospace Force’s radio-electronic equipment detected the launch of a target missile over the Mediterranean Sea," the ministry said.

"Specialists of Russia’s National Defense Control Center identified the target as a target missile for tests of the Israeli Air Force’s missile defense system," the ministry said.

Russian media watchdog unblocks 2.7 mln IP addresses belonging to Amazon

MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. Russia’s media watchdog (Roskomnadzor) has unblocked 2.7 mln IP addresses belonging to Amazon, says a statement from the watchdog.

"Roskomnadzor experts have figured out that the Telegram messaging service stopped using those subnets to ensure its functioning a long time ago," the statement reads.

According to the RNS news agency, the Ariston company earlier reported that owners of Ariston water heaters and gas boilers were facing issues using the Ariston Net app for remote control purposes.

Russia considering plans of leaving Council of Europe

MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Russia is considering all possible options of further developing its ties with the Council of Europe, including leaving this organization unless discrimination against Russia’s delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly ends, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said in an interview with TASS.

Moscow may provide tit-for-tat response to EU’s Skripal case sanctions

MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Moscow reserves the right to a tit-for-tat response to the European Union’s decision to include several Russian citizens on the sanctions list in relation to the Skripal case, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated on Monday.

"The accusations against Russia and our citizens with regards to the Skripal case do not withstand criticism," the ministry stressed. "We reserve the right to retaliatory measures in response to this unfriendly act."

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