US rejects arms control deals because of its hegemonic ambitions

MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. The majority of US political elite does not need any arms control deals over Washington’s wish to ensure the position of a military hegemon, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told International Affairs magazine.

"The Americans, at least an influential part of their political elite, do not need any agreements in the arms control field. They disturb the US, they catch the US in a web of obligations and keep the US in a limited space, if you like. They hinder the implementation of the concept of total military domination in all areas," Ryabkov said.

According to the senior diplomat, the US elite has apparently come to a conclusion that now it’s time for Washington to make a decisive breakthrough, given its economic and technological potential, "in order to ensure for itself the positions of a military hegemon for a long time."

Such Washington’s intentions are confirmed by the new Missile Defense Review, which says that the US refuses to acknowledge restrictions on developing and deploying its missile systems, Ryabkov said.

"For us, this means only one thing: we need to work persistently at all levels with the United States, explaining how this course is destructive. We need to mobilize international public opinion and the international community to counter these approaches, we need to work on a constructive alternative," the high-ranking diplomat said.

Russia’s goal in current conditions is to develop new ideas, "which could be used for ensuring a stable multilateral and bilateral arms control system," Ryabkov said.