
EU border force Frontex implicated in migrant abuse

05 August 2019; DW: New reports place the EU border agency Frontex at scenes of brutality against migrants. The border guards of Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary have been found to be especially brutal.

German and British media published reports on Monday that place the European Union border agency Frontex at the scene of illegal activities by national border guards that may have constituted human rights violations.

'No plans to integrate S-400 into any NATO system'

2 Aug 2019; MEMO: NATO does not plan the integration of Russian S-400 anti-air missile system into any air and missile defense system of the alliance, NATO Secretary General said Friday. 

"There are no plans to integrate the Russian S-400 into any NATO integrated air and missile defense system," Jens Stoltenberg said in a news conference on the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in Brussels.

UK lawmakers warn of lost residency rights in no-deal Brexit

BRUSSELS (AP) — British lawmakers met the European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator on Friday, seeking an iron-clad guarantee that the 1.3 million U.K. citizens in the bloc won’t have their rights removed and their lives disrupted if Britain leaves the EU without a deal.

The rights of U.K. citizens living in the 27 other EU nations, and those of the more than 3 million EU citizens in Britain, are one of the thorniest issues of the Brexit negotiations.

Von der Leyen becomes first female EU executive chief with narrow win

STRASBOURG, France, July 17 (NNN-Xinhua) — Germany’s Ursula von der Leyen was elected to be the next president of the European Commission on Tuesday with a slim majority.

She made history as the first female chief executive of the European Union. The slim majority also helped avert a political crisis for the world’s largest trading bloc.

The European Parliament currently comprises 747 lawmakers, so the threshold needed to be elected was 374 votes, more than half of its component members.

Senior German diplomat says unacceptable to violate Iran nuclear deal

BRUSSELS, July 15. /TASS/: Violating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program is unacceptable, German Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth told reporters upon arrival for a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels on Monday.

"Violating the nuclear agreement is completely unacceptable for us," he said. "As the European Union, we should speak with one voice on the matter," Roth added.

EU cautions against US’ ‘dangerous adventures’ in the Middle East

15 July 2019; MEMO: The European Union fully backs Iraq’s efforts to de-escalate growing tensions between the United States and Iran because conflict will have dire consequences for all sides, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Saturday according to a report by Reuters.

NATO warns Turkey about Russia missile system

14 July 2019; MEMO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) yesterday expressed its concern about the deployment of the advanced Russian air defence system, the S-400, to Turkey.

An unnamed NATO official told AFP: “We are worried about the consequences of the Turkish decision to own the S-400,” noting that this defence system contradicts those used by the alliance, of which Turkey is a member.

Europe: Record steroid bust leads to hundreds of arrests

9 July 2019; DW: A massive police operation that involved Europe's police agency (Europol), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and Italian and Greek police led to the seizure of 24 tons of steroid powder, 234 arrests, the closure of nine underground labs, and the dismantling of 17 organized crime groups, Europol said Monday.

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