
Europe at crossroads as far right makes big gains in vote

BRUSSELS (AP) — Europeans woke Monday to a new political reality after European Parliament elections ended the domination of the EU’s main center-right and center-left parties and revealed a changed political landscape where the far-right, pro-business groups and environmentalists will be forces to be reckoned with.

NATO demands release of Ukrainian sailors detained in Russia

BRUSSELS, May 26. /TASS/: NATO continues to demand the release of Ukrainian sailors and warships detained in Russia in the wake of the November 2018 Kerch Strait incident, a NATO official informed TASS on Sunday, citing the verdict of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).

"NATO has made repeatedly clear that there was no justification for Russia’s use of military force against Ukrainian ships and military personnel. We continue to call on Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors and ships without delay," the official stated.

Europe’s voters elect new parliament as nationalism mounts

BRUSSELS (AP) — Across Europe, anti-EU populists and proponents of closer unity made a final push for support Sunday as 21 nations went to the polls in a continent-wide battle for influence at the European Parliament.

Right-wing nationalists who want to slash immigration into Europe and return power to national governments are expected to make gains, though mainstream parties are tipped to hold onto power in the 751-seat legislature that sits in both Brussels and Strasbourg.

4 nations vote in high-stakes European Union election

25 May 2019; DW: The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta and Latvia are casting their ballots in day three of EU parliamentary elections.

Voters in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta and Latvia headed for the polls on Saturday as part of continent-wide parliamentary elections.

The United Kingdom and the Netherlands cast their ballots on Thursday, with Ireland heading to the ballot box on Friday. The Czech Republic is voting over both Friday and Saturday. 

'Vast' far-right disinformation networks discovered in EU

22 May 2019; DW: Millions of Europeans are being exposed to far-right propaganda on Facebook ahead of the EU elections, a report by the Avaaz NGO shows. The activists say their research prompted an "unprecedented" cleanup by Facebook.

Fake news, fake quotes, and movie clips presented as proof of migrant misdeeds are only some of the tactics used by far-right Facebook pages, activists from the US-based Avaaz movement said when presenting a new report on Wednesday.

EU firms suffer collateral damage in US-China trade war

20 May 2019; DW: The ongoing trade tensions between the world's two largest economies and tit-for-tat tariffs have adversely affected the fortunes of many European companies in China, a new survey reveals. The outlook remains gloomy.

The increasingly bitter trade dispute between the US and China is hurting one-third of EU companies operating in China, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China said on Monday.

EU fines major banks 1 billion euros over 'currency cartels'

16 May 2019; DW: Regulators in the European Union have levied a hefty fine on Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Citigroup, JPMorgan and Japan's MUFG over collusion in currency trading.

The European Commission on Thursday fined five major banks €1.07 billion ($1.2 billion) for collusion in the foregin currency market.

The fines would normally have been 10% higher, but was reduced after the banks admitted their involvement.

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