
Turkey Starts Ground Operation In Northern Syria

ANKARA, Oct 10 (NNN-ANADOLU) – Turkish Armed Forces, late Wednesday, began a land operation into northern Syria against the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

“The Turkish Armed Forces and the Syrian National Army have launched the land operation into the east of the Euphrates river, as part of the Operation Peace Spring,” the Turkish Defence Ministry said.

Turkish shelling kills 8 civilians in Syria's Hasakah

DAMASCUS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- At least eight civilians were killed and 20 others wounded on Wednesday by Turkish shelling on Syria's northeastern province of Hasakah, Syrian state news agency SANA reported.

SANA said that three children and a woman were among the killed by Turkish artillery shelling on the city of Qamishli, and the towns of Ras al-Ayn, and al-Darbasiyah in the countryside of Hasakah, which is largely controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and its broader umbrella of the People's Protection Units (YPG).

Iraqi Kurdistan urges Russia to help Kurds in Syria

TASS, October 8: The authorities of the Iraqi Kurdistan have called on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to ensure security of Kurds in Syria, the Rudaw news agency reported on Tuesday citing a statement put forward by the administration of head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and former president of the autonomous region Masoud Barzani.

Turkish military campaign against Kurdish forces begins in northern Syria

DAMASCUS, Oct 8 (NNN-Xinhua) — The Turkish military campaign against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) began on Monday night in northern and northeastern Syria, Syria’s state TV and activists reported.

The state TV in Syria said the Turkish attack targeted the SDF-held Tal Tawil area in the northeastern countryside of Hasakah province in northeastern Syria, branding the attack as a “Turkish aggression.”

Daesh makes resurgence in Syria, captures town, attacks Kurdish and Russia forces

1 Oct 2019; MEMO: Daesh has conducted manoeuvres to make a resurgence in Syria today by besieging Russian and regime forces, attacking a prominent Kurdish militia and capturing a town in the east of the country, fulfilling recent predictions of the extremist group’s recuperation in the conflict.

Syria, Iraq mark victory against IS with opening of key border crossing

DEIR AL-ZOUR, Syria, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- Under the victory banner, the Bukamal-Qaim border crossing between Syria and Iraq was reopened on Monday, the first time since its closure in 2014 when Islamic State (IS) militants captured areas on both sides of the border.

Xinhua reporters at the site witnessed the reopening of that key border crossing, which connects the town of Al-Bukamal in Syria's eastern province of Deir al-Zour to the city of Husaybah in the Al-Qaim District of Iraq's Anbar governorate.

Syria demands withdrawal of US, Turkish forces, warns of countermeasures

29 Sep 2019; MEMO: Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem on Saturday demanded an immediate withdrawal of all US and Turkish troops from his country and warned that Syrian government forces had the right to take countermeasures if they refused, Reuters reports.

The United States has around 1,000 troops in Syria tackling Islamic State militants. Turkey has also launched military incursions into northern Syria, targeting Islamic State and Kurdish YPG fighters.

Syria Accuses U.S.-Backed Forces Of Abducting Young Men In NE Region

DAMASCUS, Sept 29 (NNN-SANA) – The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are kidnapping young men for forceful recruitment in northeastern Syria.

Through its checkpoint, the Kurdish-led SDF kidnapped 23 people, to make them fight in its ranks, said the report, adding that, the SDF fighters are also raiding homes and taking young men for the same reason.

Meanwhile, the SDF fighters have also displaced dozens of families from the city of Hasakah, in northeastern Syria, under false pretexts.

Russia’s Hmeymim airbase in Syria strikes over 100 terrorists’ drones over past two years

HMEYMIM /Syria/, September 27. /TASS/: Air defense and electronic warfare systems deployed at Russia’s Hmeymim air base in Syria have shot down or disabled over 100 drones during terrorists’ attempted attacks on the military facility over the past two years, Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

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