
Palestine: Gaza warns of 'catastrophe' over animal feed shortage

24 May 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture today warned of a "catastrophe" in the Gaza Strip due to a shortage of animal feed as a result of the Israeli blockade on the territory.

"A major disaster will hit the animal production sector in Gaza due to the lack of fodder needed to feed the animals," the ministry said in a statement.

It said that the shortage of feed has caused the death of thousands of poultry and livestock in the Palestinian territory.

Settlers raid Al-Aqsa to prove Israel was not defeated in Gaza: Sabri

24 May 2021; MEMO: Former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, said yesterday that the Israeli occupation allowed Jewish settlers to raid Al-Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to prove Israel was not defeated in Gaza.

Speaking to the media, Sabri said: "Settlers' raids are being carried out under heavy Israeli military and police protection."

Palestine: Hamas defiant with military parade, appearance of top leader

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Hundreds of masked Hamas fighters brandishing assault rifles paraded in Gaza City and the group’s top leader made his first public appearance on Saturday, in a defiant show of strength after the militants’ 11-day war with Israel.

Saturday marked the first full day of a cease-fire, and Egyptian mediators held talks to firm up the truce which ended the fourth Israel-Hamas war in just over a decade.

Coca-Cola factory destroyed in Israel shelling of Gaza

21 May 2021; MEMO: Israel's artillery yesterday targeted, for the third time, Gaza Industrial City, with direct shells fired at six factories.

A statement issued by Gaza Industrial City, one of the PADICO investments, said that the Israeli artillery stationed near the Karni crossing fired several shells directly at the factories, which led to the destruction of six factories. This brings the number of destroyed factories in the industrial city during Israel's ten-day assault on Gaza to 15 factories.

Israeli forces arrest 50 Palestinians in West Bank raids

22 May 2021; MEMO: Israeli forces rounded up 50 Palestinians in raids across the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoner Society said on Saturday.

The NGO, however, did not give details about the accusations against the detainees.

On Wednesday, the NGO said more than 1,800 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank and Arab towns inside Israel since mid-April.

Palestinians see victory in Gaza truce as Israel warns Hamas

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinians rallied by the thousands Friday after a cease-fire took effect in the latest Gaza war, with many viewing it as a costly but clear victory for the Islamic militant group Hamas. Israel vowed to respond with a “new level of force” to further hostilities.

Gaza doesn't have the medical supplies to deal with the injured, Red Crescent says

20 May 2021; MEMO: Gaza's medical teams are unable to sufficiently treat those wounded in Israeli air strikes because the Strip lacks the necessary medical equipment and drugs, the Director of the Palestine Red Crescent, Bashar Murad, warned yesterday.

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