
New ruling Sudan military council promises civilian Cabinet

CAIRO (AP) — Sudan’s new ruling military council announced Sunday that it will name a civilian prime minister and Cabinet but not a president to help govern the country following the coup that removed longtime leader Omar al-Bashir.

An army spokesman, Lt. Gen. Shamseldin Kibashi, also said in televised remarks that the military had begun to overhaul security organizations and would not break up demonstrations that have continued outside the military headquarters since Thursday’s coup.

Sudan's opposition demands transfer of power to civilian gov't

KHARTOUM, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance on Friday urged the new leadership of the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to a transitional civilian government.

The alliance brings together the Sudanese Professionals Association, the National Consensus Forces' Alliance, Sudan Call Forces and the opposition unionist group.

Chairman of Sudan's military council resigns, names successor

KHARTOUM, April 12 (Xinhua) -- Chairman of Sudan's transitional military council Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf on Friday announced his resignation.

"I, chairman of the transitional military council, declare my resignation from this post," said Ibn Auf in a statement broadcast by official Sudan TV.

"I announce selection of Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan as chairman of the transitional military council," he added.

On Thursday, Sudan's Defense Minister Ibn Auf announced the ouster of President Omar al-Bashir and his government.

Sudan military council says won't extradite al-Bashir

12 Apr 2019; DW: Sudan's newly appointed military council said on Friday that deposed President Omar al-Bashir will not be handed over to other countries under its watch, but will be tried at home.

The former president, who ruled Sudan for 30 years and also came to power through a military coup, has been indicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague over allegations of genocide in Sudan's Darfur region.

Seeking 'acceptable and agreeable' solutions

Sudanese president and associates put under house arrest

MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and his colleagues have been placed under house arrest, former Sudanese Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi told the Al-Hadath TV channel on Thursday.

"Al-Bashir and other top officials are under house arrest," the TV channel quotes him as saying.

Sudanese military led by vice president poised to assume power for one year

CAIRO, April 11. /TASS/. The Sudanese Military Transitional Council headed by First Vice President and Defense Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf is making arrangements to assume the power in the country for a year, the local Baj News website says. According to the officially unconfirmed reports, a group of military officials has staged a coup d’etat in the country, completely ousting President Omar al-Bashir from power.

Sudanese president resigns

TASS, April 11. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has stepped down, and consultations are now being held to set up a transitional council, the Reuters news agency reported on Thursday, citing government sources.

According to the news agency, Minister of Production and Economic Resources in the North Darfur State Adel Mahjoub Hussein told the Dubai-based Al-Hadath TV channel that "there are consultations to form a military council to take over power after President Bashir stepped down."

'Nubian queen' rally leader says women key to Sudan protests

11 Apr 2019; AFP: A Sudanese woman propelled to internet fame earlier this week after leading powerful protest chants in the capital told AFP Wednesday that women are key to the uprising against President Omar al-Bashir's iron-fisted rule.

"Sudanese women have always participated in revolutions in this country," Alaa Salah said after footage went viral of her standing on a car, singing and conducting crowds outside the army headquarters in Khartoum.

Sudan gov't warns against possible civil war due to political polarization

KHARTOUM, April 7 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's Minister of Information and Communications Hassan Ismail on Sunday warned against the possibility of a civil war due to the state of political polarization, Sudan's Ashorooq net reported.

Ismail accused foreign parties, organizations and communities associated with the Sudanese Professionals Association and opposition of collecting large funds to finance the protests in Sudan, the report said.

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