
'Nightmare' as Egypt aided China to detain Uighurs

18 August 2019; AFP: Abdulmalik Abdulaziz, an Uighur student, was arrested and handcuffed by Egyptian police and when they removed his blindfold he was surprised to see Chinese officials questioning him in custody.

He was picked up in broad daylight with friends, and taken to a Cairo police station where Chinese officials grilled him about what he was doing in Egypt.

The three officials spoke to him in Chinese, addressing him using his Chinese name not his Uighur one.

Rabaa survivors: ‘Sisi responsible for one of 21st century’s deadliest atrocities’

15 Aug 2019; MEMO: Survivors of the 2013 Rabaa massacre in Egyptian capital Cairo have slammed Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as “the man behind one of the deadliest atrocities of the 21st century” and called for a UN investigation into the killings.

Why is Egypt punishing me for searching my daughter?

10 Aug 2019; MEMO: Egyptian mother Umm Zubeida has questioned why she is being held in prison for simply searching for her daughter who went missing.

In a statement released by We record, an international human rights platform, Umm Zubeida said: “Why am I being punished for searching for my daughter?! Why were my release papers torn apart after they had been approved?!”

Egyptian police identify terrorist in deadly car bomb attack in Cairo

CAIRO, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian police identified on Thursday the terrorist who killed 20 people using a booby-trapped car in the Egyptian capital Cairo earlier this week.

The man was named as Abdul Rahman Khaled Mahmoud who belongs to Hasm, an armed group affiliated to the banned Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's interior ministry said in a statement.

The terrorist's identity has been confirmed after matching his DNA with his family members, the ministry revealed.

Badie still sleeps on the floor in solitary confinement in Egypt prison

8 Aug 2019; MEMO: Doha Badie, daughter of the Supreme Guide of Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Badie, said yesterday that her 76-year-old father sleeps on the ground in his cell in an Egyptian prison, the Anadolu Agency reported.

On Facebook, Doha noted that her father turned 76 and has spent 19 years in jail, both since the coup and during the reign of President Anwar Sadat.

Egypt: Cairo hit by deadly explosion

05 August 2019; DW: Authorities have cited a car driving against traffic and colliding with oncoming vehicles as the reason for the explosion. Rescue workers are searching for bodies in the Nile River, fearing some may have fallen in.

An explosion outside Egypt's National Cancer Institute (NCI) killed at least 19 people and injured 30 others, Egypt's Interior Ministry said Monday.

Authorities said the explosion was caused by a car driving against traffic, colliding with three other cars.

UN workers accused of fraud, theft in handling Yemen aid

CAIRO (AP) — The United Nations investigators assembled in the departure hall of Sanaa’s airport were preparing to leave with precious evidence: laptops and external drives collected from the staff of the World Health Organization.

These computers, they believed, contained proof of corruption and fraud within the U.N. agency’s office in Yemen.

But before they could board their flight out, armed militiamen from the Houthi rebels ruling northern Yemen marched into the hall and confiscated the computers, according to six former and current aid officials.

Egyptian president, British PM discuss mutual cooperation

CAIRO, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson discussed on Saturday ways to boost mutual ties.

During a phone call, Johnson said he is keen to promote ties with Egypt in all fields, mainly the economic and investment sectors, spokesman for the Egyptian Presidency Basaam Rady said in a statement.

Johnson hailed the achievements Egypt has made in the investment, economic and social fields.

African Union envoy: Sudanese finalize power-sharing deal

CAIRO (AP) — The African Union envoy to Sudan said Saturday the pro-democracy movement and the ruling military council have finalized a power-sharing agreement.

Mohammed el-Hassan Lebatt said the two sides have agreed on a constitutional declaration outlining the division of power for a three-year transition to elections. He did not provide further details or say when the agreement would be signed. Sudan’s state-run SUNA news agency quoted protest leader Omar al-Dagir as saying the agreement would be signed Sunday.

130 Egyptian detainees on hunger strike for 6 weeks: Amnesty

1 Aug 2019; MEMO: Amnesty International announced, Wednesday, that 130 political prisoners in the heavily guarded Scorpion Prison in Egypt have been on hunger strike for six weeks. This is due to the harsh and inhumane detention conditions.

The international human rights organisation said that among the repressive practices by the authorities against detainees in the Scorpion Prison is the prevention of family visits and legal consultations for more than two years.

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