
Egypt jails 42 protesters whose homes were demolished

21 July 2020; MEMO: Egyptian authorities have imprisoned 42 protesters who were demonstrating against the government’s decision to demolish their homes.

On Friday, as residents of Maawa Al-Sayadeen took to the streets, security forces fired tear gas at them and attacked them with batons, killing a four-day-old girl.

Egyptian, U.S. Presidents Discuss Latest Developments In War-Torn Libya

CAIRO, July 21 (NNN-MENA) – Egyptian President, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, and his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, discussed during a phone conversation on Monday, recent developments in war-torn Libya.

During the phone call, Sisi stressed Egypt’s strategic stance towards the Libyan issue, which aims at “preserving the country’s national institutions and preventing further deterioration of the security conditions, by illegal foreign interventions,” Egyptian Presidential Spokesman, Bassam Rady, said in a statement.

Egyptian engineer invents robot for COVID-19 diagnosis, medical care

TANTA, Egypt, July 20 (Xinhua) -- At his Roboto Academy in Tanta city in northern Egypt, 26-year-old mechatronic engineer Mahmoud el-Komy was testing Cira 02, a robot invented for the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection and post-infection medical care.

Cira 02 female-like robot is all white, with a monitor on the chest that displays scan results of anyone facing it. It also has several sensors and a place where a person can rest his chin for a COVID-19 PCR test.

Egyptian parliament to discuss military intervention in Libya: state media

CAIRO, July 18 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian parliament is expected to hold a meeting this week to discuss the political and military situation in neighboring war-torn Libya, state-run Ahram Online news website reported.

The discussion is to be followed by a vote to mandate President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi to intervene militarily in Libya to help defend the western neighbor against Turkish interventions.

On Thursday, President Sisi vowed that his country will not stand idle in the face of any direct threats to the security of Egypt and Libya.

Take all measures to solve Ethiopia dam crisis: Egypt Fatwa Committee

17 July 2020; MEMO: The Fatwa Committee of the Al-Azhar Islamic Research Centre in Egypt yesterday said that countries whose share of Nile waters will be negatively affected by the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam can do whatever it takes to preserve their rights “as long as they deem these actions appropriate”.

Egyptian president vows not to stand idle on threats to Egyptian, Libyan security

CAIRO, July 17 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi vowed that Egypt will not stand idle in the face of any direct threats to the security of Egypt and Libya.

Sisi made the remarks during his meeting with Libyan tribal leaders who arrived in Cairo on Wednesday to discuss the security situation in the war-torn country, the Egyptian Presidency said in a statement.

“As soon as Egypt interferes in Libya, the military scene will be changed quickly and decisively,” Sisi was quoted as saying.

‘Ethiopia’s livestock consumes more water than share of Egypt and Sudan’: Egypt minister of irrigation

16 July 2020; MEMO: Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdel Aty asserted that the allegations that Egypt receives the lion’s share of the Nile water are inaccurate: “Because we get a minimum quantity.”

Ethiopia dam talks end without success

15 July 2020; MEMO: The closing session of the technical and legal committees of the Renaissance Dam negotiations ended without agreement.

According to Al Jazeera, Egyptian Foreign Minister said that his country regretted the failure to reach an agreement.

 “Egypt has provided a tremendous level of flexibility and understanding. However, the negotiations ended again without reaching an agreement.”

Accusations of serial assault spark new #MeToo wave in Egypt

CAIRO (AP) — Their accounts are similar. The girls and women describe meeting the young man — a former student at Egypt’s most elite university — in person and online, followed by deceit, then escalating sexual harassment, assault, blackmail or rape.

Some were minors when the alleged crimes took place. In all, more than 100 accusers have emerged online in the past two weeks.

It’s resulted in a new #MeToo firestorm on social media, and the arrest of the suspect last week from his home in a gated community outside Cairo.

Libyan forces set conditions for lifting oil blockade

CAIRO (AP) — Forces loyal to a Libyan commander said they will only allow the reopening of oil fields and terminals once a mechanism has been set up to fairly distribute revenue across the country, which is split between rival, warring factions.

Powerful tribes in eastern Libya loyal to Khalifa Hifter closed export terminals and choked off major pipelines at the start of the year. The move was aimed at pressuring their rivals in the U.N.-supported government in the capital, Tripoli, in the country’s west.

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