United Kingdom

UK climate protesters seek to block London Underground

17 Apr 2019; DW: "Extinction Rebellion" climate activists have said they will block the city's transport system on a third day of demonstrations. Mayor Sadiq Khan expressed solidarity with their cause but urged them not to block trains.

Nearly 300 people were arrested in London amidst ongoing climate change protests, police said late on Tuesday. More demonstrations are planned for Wednesday, including a disruption of the Underground.

Over 100 arrested in UK climate 'extinction' protests

16 Apr 2019; DW: Over 100 people were arrested during ongoing climate change protests in London that brought parts of the British capital to a standstill, police said Tuesday.

Demonstrators had started by blocking off a bridge and major central road junctions on Monday at the start of a civil disobedience campaign that also saw action in other parts of Europe.

Poll shows Jeremy Corbyn to become British PM if general election is called

LONDON, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Britain's main opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn would win the keys to 10 Downing Street in a snap general election, a major polling analysis revealed Sunday.

Prime Minister Theresa May's governing Conservatives would lose 59 seats in the House of Commons, paving the way for left-wing politician Corbyn to become prime minister, showed the poll published by the Sunday Telegraph.

Labour would increase its number of MPs by 34, making them the largest party in the British parliament.

Nigel Farage launches Brexit Party to run in EU elections

12 Apr 2019; DW: Leading British euroskeptic Nigel Farage launched the Brexit Party on Friday ahead of the United Kingdom's possible participation in European Parliament elections in May.

Farage said that Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May's failure to pass a deal to exit the European Union was a "betrayal" of the British public and the decision it made in a 2016 referendum.

Ecuador revokes Assange's citizenship citing "irregularities"

QUITO, April 11 (Xinhua) -- Ecuador on Thursday announced it revoked the citizenship status given to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in December 2017, citing "irregularities" in the naturalization process.

There are "innumerable irregularities in the concession of that nationality," Foreign Affairs Minister Jose Valencia said.

"For that reason, the ministry decided to formally nullify it," Valencia added.

Assange’s arrest sets dangerous precedent for journalists — Reporters Without Borders

MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The non-profit organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) believes that the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange sets a dangerous precedent for journalists, RSF Secretary General Christophe Deloire said on Twitter on Thursday.

"Targeting Assange because of Wikileaks’ provision of information to journalists that was in the public interest would be a punitive measure and would set a dangerous precedent for journalists or their sources that the US may wish to pursue in future," the tweet reads.

Assange’s lawyer believes his client could be extradited to US

STOCKHOLM, April 11. /TASS/. There is a significant risk of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being extradited to the United States, Assange’s Swedish Defense Attorney Per Samuelsson told the SVT TV channel.

"Naturally, I believe this is totally inadmissible," he said. "We see clear signs indicating that the Americans want to convict him or have convicted him. Let’s see whether or not his concern was justified or exaggerated."

Wikileaks' Julian Assange arrested in London

11 Apr 2019; DW: The Wikileaks founder has been arrested in central London, the Metropolitan Police wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

He was apprehended outside the Embassy of Ecuador, where he had been evading an extradition request from Sweden since June 2012. Assange was wanted by Stockholm over claims he sexually assaulted two women in 2010. The Swedish case against him lapsed in 2017, but he is still wanted in the UK for skipping bail.

May set to win Brexit delay after intensive day on both sides of English Channel

LONDON, April 9 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Theresa May returned to London on Tuesday night at the end of a day of whistle-stop diplomacy in her race to win a delay to the country's departure from the European Union (EU).

As May was holding talks in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron, a team of her top ministers were negotiating in London with Labour's Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and leading shadow ministers from the main opposition party.

British PM forced to delay Brexit to avoid no-deal as MPs pass law

LONDON, April 8 (Xinhua) -- Proposals to force British Prime Minister Theresa May to delay the date of Brexit -- again -- on Monday were approved by both the House of Lords and House of Commons.

With just days to go before the Brexit deadline, April 12, the prime minister will now have to ask the European Union (EU) to extend Article 50 in order to avoid a no-deal Brexit.

The cross-party proposal was raced through the House of Commons in a single day last week and completed its journey through the House of Lords on Monday night.

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