UK climate protesters seek to block London Underground

 Climate change protesters

17 Apr 2019; DW: "Extinction Rebellion" climate activists have said they will block the city's transport system on a third day of demonstrations. Mayor Sadiq Khan expressed solidarity with their cause but urged them not to block trains.

Nearly 300 people were arrested in London amidst ongoing climate change protests, police said late on Tuesday. More demonstrations are planned for Wednesday, including a disruption of the Underground.

The Metropolitan police said that they had detained 290 people in connection with the "Extinction Rebellion" protests and that they "expect demonstrations to continue throughout the coming weeks."

London's mayor Sadiq Khan said in a statement that he shared "the passion of all those protesting in London this week about the urgent need to tackle climate change. It's one of the biggest challenges we face," and that he supported the right to peacefully protest.

However, he added that he was "extremely concerned about the plans some protesters have to disrupt the London Underground tomorrow. It is absolutely crucial to get more people using public transport, as well as walking and cycling, if we are to tackle this climate emergency."

The Underground carries 5 million passengers daily along its 11 lines.

'We have no intention of leaving'

Extinction Rebellion was founded in the UK last year and in that time has become one of the world's fastest-growing environmental movements.

This series of protests began on Monday, with demonstrators blocking the areas of Marble Arch, part of Hyde Park, Oxford Street, and Waterloo Bridge.

Activists also targeted the Shell Centre, home to the UK offices of oil giant Royal Dutch Shell, with graffiti and smashed one of its windows. According to the police, three men and two women were arrested outside the building on suspicion of criminal damage.

Protesters set up camps in Hyde Park and stood their ground in several points around London overnight on Tuesday.

"We have no intention of leaving until the government listens to us," said Extinction Rebellion spokesman James Fox.