
Venezuela's Maduro aims for dialogue with opposition in August

CARACAS, July 25 (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that he was aiming to begin a dialogue with the country's political opposition next month in Mexico facilitated by Norway, a process he hoped the United States would embrace.

In May the opposition changed strategy and indicated its willingness to return to negotiations to resolve the political crisis in OPEC member Venezuela.

Venezuela repatriates 700 citizens from Trinidad and Tobago

CARACAS, July 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — President Nicolas Maduro’s government repatriated more than 700 Venezuelans who fled to nearby Trinidad and Tobago amid their homeland’s crippling economic crisis, the Foreign Ministry announced Sunday.

“More than 700 Venezuelans have arrived in Venezuela from Trinidad and Tobago in the first ‘Vuelta a la Patria’ (Return to the Homeland) plan carried out by sea,” the ministry said in a statement on Twitter.

'The government is losing ground' residents say as gangs take territory in Venezuela's capital

CARACAS, July 18 (Reuters) - "Leave the area! Get the kids out!" screamed gang members walking through western Caracas' El Cementerio barrio with megaphones the morning of Thursday, July 8. The warning told residents in Venezuela's capital shooting would not soon stop.

US Pres Biden reaffirms support for Venezuela opposition leader

CARACAS, July 6 (NNN-AGENCIES) — President Joe Biden reaffirmed US support for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido in a letter Monday even in the midst of efforts to resume negotiations with President Nicolas Maduro’s government.

“Under your leadership and in coalition with civil society leaders you are preserving those ideals of freedom democracy and sovereignty,” Biden wrote in a letter addressed to Guaido and sent through the Office of Venezuelan Affairs in neighboring Colombia, an official in that office said.

Covid-19: Venezuela receives first shipment of Cuban vaccine

CARACAS, June 25 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Venezuela received its first shipment of doses of Cuba’s Abdala coronavirus vaccine on Thursday, the South American country’s vice president said, while slamming wealthy countries for “sabotaging” the COVAX vaccine-sharing scheme.

Authorities did not specify how many doses had arrived from Cuba, but did say that Venezuela had signed a contract to purchase 12 million doses of the shot. Cuba said earlier this week that the three-shot Abdala vaccine had proved 92.28 per cent effective in last-stage clinical trials.

Venezuela opposition committee to seek support in Washington, Brussels

CARACAS, June 18 (Reuters) - A committee of Venezuelan opposition politicians will travel to Washington and Brussels to seek support and consult its allies on their positions about an eventual lifting of sanctions, opposition leader Juan Guaido said on Friday.

Guaido told reporters that the committee traveling to the United States and Europe is the same group that has been meeting with officials from Norway in recent weeks in an attempt to establish a dialogue with President Nicolas Maduro's government, which stands accused of vote-rigging and rights violations.

Venezuela to further promote partnership with China: minister

CARACAS, May 28 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Freddy Nanez said Friday that he stands ready to further promote the partnership between Venezuela and China.

"The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the driver of the economic and political victories of this great country," said Nanez at an online event, adding the CPC has the "virtue of working day and night for the common good of 20 percent of humanity."

Venezuela urges international community to stop Israel's attacks on Gaza

15 May 2021; MEMO: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Friday called on the international community to take action to stop the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Arreaza posted a video on Twitter showing Israel's bombing of a 9-storey building in Gaza that entirely collapsed.

He stressed the need for the United Nations (UN) to ensure an urgent response to these attacks, urging: "An immediate response should be established without bias against any ideology or religion."

Venezuela suffers new terrorist attack against gas pipeline

CARACAS, March 22 (NNN-TELESUR) — Venezuela’s Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami denounced a new terrorist attack against a gas pipeline of the state-owned company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA).

The minister announced that terrorist action damaged a gas pipeline section located in Tejero, northern Monagas state.

The plant is used to compress gas and inject it at high pressure into oil wells in El Tejero, La Leona, and La Urica areas.

Maduro seeks to speed up digital payments as Venezuela runs out of cash

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is pressing banks to implement digital payment systems as hyperinflation prompts chronic shortages of cash in the bolivar currency, three people familiar with the talks told Reuters.

Maduro has targeted the public transit system - where roughly three-quarters of all circulating cash is spent - as the first stage of a plan he calls “the digital bolivar.” In January, he asked banks to deliver point-of-sale terminals to the Caracas subway system and bus drivers, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

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