Venezuela suffers new terrorist attack against gas pipeline

gas pipeline

CARACAS, March 22 (NNN-TELESUR) — Venezuela’s Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami denounced a new terrorist attack against a gas pipeline of the state-owned company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA).

The minister announced that terrorist action damaged a gas pipeline section located in Tejero, northern Monagas state.

The plant is used to compress gas and inject it at high pressure into oil wells in El Tejero, La Leona, and La Urica areas.

On Saturday afternoon, two explosions were reported in the gas pipeline section, and residents in the surrounding areas had to be evacuated.

The terrorist attack is part of the economic war against the South American country, which faces daily hostile actions from the U.S. and opposition sectors.

President Nicolas Maduro was informed of the attack and appointed a group of workers to restore the gas pipeline’s operability in the shortest possible time.

According to El Assami, no casualties have been reported so far.