
Two dozen Ukrainian naval servicemen in custody in Crimea for border violations

SIMFEROPOL, November 26. /TASS/. Twenty-four crewmembers of the Ukrainian warships that violated the Russian border have been detained in Crimea, Crimea’s head Sergei Aksyonov said on Monday.

"Those wounded are receiving comprehensive medical assistance at a hospital in Kerch. They are in condition of medium gravity. There is no threat to the lives of other 24 Ukrainian seamen who have been detained," he said in an interview with Russia’s television Channel One.

Russian MP slams Kiev’s martial law bid as drive for ‘rosy dream of military dictatorship’

MOSCOW, November 26. /TASS/. Martial law, should it be imposed in Ukraine, would be the most expedient course of action for the government in Kiev to run the country, which they have been pursuing for a long time, Deputy Speaker of Russia’s State Duma (the lower house of parliament) Irina Yarovaya said on Monday.

Ukraine mulls martial law after Russia fires on vessels

MOSCOW (AP) — Ukrainian lawmakers were set to consider a presidential request for the introduction of martial law in the country on Monday following an incident in which Russian coast guard ships fired on Ukrainian navy vessels.

An emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council was also called for Monday. The European Union and NATO called for restraint from both sides.

The Ukrainian navy said six of its seamen were wounded when Russian coast guards opened fire on three Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait and then seized them late Sunday.

Russia, US should start depoliticizing anti-terror, cyber security efforts

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, November 25. /TASS/. Russia and the United States should begin a normal depoliticized work on combating terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and in cyber security area, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the Moscow. Kremlin. Putin program on the Rossiya-1 television channel on Sunday.

Russia blocks passage in Kerch Strait after Ukraine incident

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia has blocked passage through the Kerch Strait, a narrow body of water nestled between Crimea and the Russian mainland, after three Ukrainian navy ships made what the Russian coast guard has called an unauthorized crossing through Russian territorial waters.

The move comes after months of growing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, which annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and has steadily worked to increase its zone of control around the peninsula.

Russia will verify US claims of moon landings

MOSCOW (AP) — The head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency has said that a proposed Russian mission to the moon will be tasked with verifying that the American moon landings were real, though he appeared to be making a joke.

“We have set this objective to fly and verify whether they’ve been there or not,” said Dmitry Rogozin in a video posted Saturday on Twitter.

Russia develops mobile super-computer for defense industry

MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. Ruselectronics Group (part of the state hi-tech corporation Rostec) has developed a mobile super-computer with a capacity of 2.2 petaflops that can find applications in the defense and space industries, the Rostec press office reported on Friday.

"The 1.9x1.35x1m computing module allows reaching a record peak capacity of 2.2 petaflops for computers of such dimensions and a data storage volume of up to 2.2 petabytes," Rostec said.

Russia to build first two Project 11356 frigates for India

MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. The first two Project 11356 frigates for India will be built in three years, Head of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov told reporters on the sidelines of a TASS-hosted forum dubbed "Korea and Russia. Economic Cooperation Dialogue" on Friday.

Russia and India earlier signed a contract for the construction of four Project 11356 frigates. Two of them are planned to be built at the Yantar Shipyard in Russia’s Kaliningrad, while the other two will be constructed at India’s Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL).

US missiles in Europe to be priority target in case of conflict

MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. Should it push ahead with its decision to quit the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty, the United States will most likely deploy its missiles near Russia’s borders and in case of a hypothetical military conflict they will become Russia’s priority target, the chairman of the Federation Council’s international affairs committee, Konstantin Kosachyov, said on Thursday.

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