
Israel's security minister clashes with head of Shin Bet over Golan

26 June 2023; MEMO: Israel's Channel 12 yesterday revealed a clash between the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the head of the Israeli General Security Service (Shin Bet), Ronen Bar, over the confrontations with the occupation in the Golan Heights and the occupation authorities' decision to freeze the wind turbine project.

Israel approves thousands of illegal building permits in West Bank

26 June 2023; MEMO: Israel's nationalist-religious government approved the construction of 5,700 additional illegal housing units for Jewish settlers in the Occupied West Bank on Monday, despite US pressure to halt settlement expansion that Washington sees as an obstacle to peace with Palestinians, Reuters reports.

The plans for approval of the housing units in various areas of the West Bank were approved by Israel's Supreme Planning Council. Jewish settler leadership praised the decision.

Israel reservist doctors threaten to refuse duty if judicial overhaul goes ahead

26 June 2023; MEMO: Around 300 Israeli military doctors in reserve units told the Defence Minister on Monday they will refuse to serve if the government pursues disputed legislation that would see the highest court stripped of most of its powers, Reuters reports.

Israel: Over half a million Palestinian citizens of Israel denied building permits

26 June 2023; MEMO: Over half a million Palestinians living in Israel are denied permission to build houses on their land, while 100,000 demolition and eviction orders have been issued to them in recent years, according to a special report compiled by Safa news agency.

Israel: ministers support settler violence against Palestinians

26 June 2023; MEMO: Ministers of the far-right ruling coalition in Israel frankly supported settler terrorism against the Palestinians in West Bank villages, Israeli media reported on Sunday. The disclosure came after hundreds of extremist Jewish settlers set fire to cars, homes, farms and other properties in several Palestinian villages across the occupied West Bank.

Israel praises foiling of Iranian attack against Israeli targets in Cyprus

JERUSALEM, June 25 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday praised the thwarting of what he said was an Iranian attack against Israeli targets in Cyprus.

A statement from Netanyahu's office did not give any more details, but Israeli news website Ynet, without disclosing its sources, said an attack had been planned against Israelis staying in the city of Limassol.

Cyprus declined to comment on whether an attack had been foiled.

Israel, Morocco agree on climate, environmental cooperation

JERUSALEM, June 25 (Xinhua) -- Israel and Morocco have agreed to cooperate on climate and environmental issues, Israel's Ministry of Environmental Protection said Sunday.

Collaborations include climate change, preservation of the marine and coastal environment, conservation of biological diversity and ecosystems, water desalination and management, air quality, environmental technologies and innovations, and regional initiatives, according to a ministry statement.

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