
Iraq condemns Yemen's Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia

BAGHDAD, March 20 (Xinhua) -- Iraq on Sunday condemned the latest attacks that targeted energy facilities in Saudi Arabia, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry "reiterated its stance calling for the adoption of dialogue to end these actions between the parties to the conflict, as the dialogue ensures mechanisms for all parties to avoid more losses," the statement said.

Iraqi Kurdish oil tycoon’s home in ruins after Iran strike

IRBIL, Iraq (AP) — Once a lavish mansion, the sprawling home of an Iraqi Kurdish oil tycoon was laid to waste in a barrage of missiles that struck near a U.S. consulate complex in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil earlier this week.

Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said it launched the attack last Sunday, firing off 12 cruise missiles at what it described as a “strategic center” of the Israeli spy agency Mossad — in retaliation for an Israeli strike in Syria that killed two of the Iranian paramilitary force’s members the previous week.

Britain gives $19m to UN family planning program in Iraq

16 March 2022; MEMO: The United Kingdom is investing $19 million in the multi-year United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) programme on family planning in Iraq, the UN agency announced yesterday.

The statement said the new partnership will improve national policies and regulations on access to family planning with a focus on young people and vulnerable groups.

Sadr calls for probing existence of Israeli sites in Iraq

14 March 2022; MEMO: The leader of the Sadrist Movement in Iraq, Muqtada Al-Sadr, yesterday called for a probe to be launched into Iran's claim about the existence of Israeli sites in Iraq, Al-Khaleej Online reported.

"Allegations about Israeli sites shall be investigated as soon as possible," Al-Sadr said in a statement, adding: "This should not be used to undermine Iraq's security."

12 ballistic missiles hit Iraq's Kurdish regional capital

BAGHDAD, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Twelve ballistic missiles launched from outside Iraq struck the country's northern Kurdish regional capital Erbil on Sunday, the regional government said.

The attack occurred at 1:00 a.m. (2200 GMT Saturday) when "12 long-range ballistic missiles were fired from the east outside the Iraqi borders towards the new building of the U.S. consulate in Erbil and surrounding residential areas, as well as near the building of Kurdistan 24 TV Channel," the regional Interior Ministry said in a statement.

US: Missiles fired from Iran hit near US consulate in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) — As many as 12 missiles struck near a sprawling U.S. consulate complex in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil on Sunday, in what a U.S. defense official and an Iraqi official said was a strike launched from neighboring Iran.

No injuries were reported in the attack, which marked a significant escalation between the U.S. and Iran. Hostility between the longtime foes has often played out in Iraq, whose government is allied with both countries.

Iraq’s Oil Supply Compatible With Global Demand: Statement

BAGHDAD, Mar 10 (NNN-NINA) – Iraq said yesterday that, its crude oil exports are in line with the consumption in the world oil market, ruling out the need to increase oil production.

A statement by the Iraqi State Organisation for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) said, with “the developments and changes that the global market is going through today, especially with regard to the balance of global supply and demand for crude oil, Iraq believes that the level of oil exports supplied to the global market is commensurate with the level of global consumption and demand.”

Ukraine war highlights internal divides in Mideast nations

BAGHDAD (AP) — In a neighborhood of Iraq’s capital, a gigantic poster of Vladimir Putin with the words, “We support Russia,” was up for few hours before a security force arrived and hurriedly took it down. Then came the security directive: All public displays of Putin’s pictures shall be banned.

In Lebanon, the powerful Hezbollah militia railed against the government’s condemnation of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, calling for neutrality.

Iraq's Kurdistan region Presidency rejects federal court's oil and gas ruling

28 Feb 2022; MEMO: The Kurdistan Region's Presidency in Iraq rejected, on Monday, a federal court ruling on its oil and gas activities, and said the region would continue to exercise its constitutional rights on the matter, Reuters reports.

Earlier this month, Iraq's federal court deemed an oil and gas law regulating the oil industry in Iraqi Kurdistan unconstitutional and demanded that Kurdish authorities hand over their crude supplies.

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