Sadr calls for probing existence of Israeli sites in Iraq

Muqtada Al-Sadr

14 March 2022; MEMO: The leader of the Sadrist Movement in Iraq, Muqtada Al-Sadr, yesterday called for a probe to be launched into Iran's claim about the existence of Israeli sites in Iraq, Al-Khaleej Online reported.

"Allegations about Israeli sites shall be investigated as soon as possible," Al-Sadr said in a statement, adding: "This should not be used to undermine Iraq's security."

"We condemn all attacks launched from Iraq to target neighbouring countries, as well as the external interference or any attacks targeting sovereign Iraq."

This came after Iran yesterday claimed responsibility for an overnight attack on what it said were Israeli facilities in the region of Erbil in northern Iraq.

Taking to Twitter, Al-Sadr added: "The relevant authorities shall send a protest note to the United Nations and Iranian ambassador, immediately."

He stressed that dragging Iraq into other countries' conflicts "is a dangerous precedent that should not be repeated."

Earlier yesterday, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said that a "civilian" site was hit by the Iranian ballistic missiles, refuting Iran's claims about an alleged Israeli site.

The attack came days after Israeli air strikes in Damascus that killed two Iranian officers, for which Iran promised revenge.