
'Entirely unreasonable' for UK lawmakers to bind PM Johnson's hands on Brexit: spokesman

LONDON (Reuters) - It would be entirely unreasonable for British lawmakers to try to bind the hands of Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he seeks a new Brexit deal with the European Union, his spokesman said on Monday.

Opposition parties and rebel Conservative lawmakers are expected to try to force the government to ask Brussels for an extension to the Brexit deadline when parliament returns from its summer break on Tuesday.

Johnson threatens Brexit rebels with party expulsion

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson threatened to expel rebel lawmakers from his Conservative Party if they thwart his Brexit plans by voting to prevent a no-deal exit from the European Union.

Johnson’s promise to leave the EU on Oct. 31 with or without a divorce agreement has propelled the United Kingdom towards a constitutional crisis and a showdown with the 27 other members of the bloc, with an election one of the possibilities.

UK industry bodies criticize minister's claim about no food shortage in no-deal Brexit

LONDON, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- UK cabinet minister Michael Gove's remarks that a no-deal Brexit wouldn't result in food shortages was met with criticism from industry bodies on Sunday, which said it is impossible to mitigate fully as neither retailers nor consumers can stockpile fresh foods.

Tory Brexit rebels to hold showdown meeting with British PM

LONDON, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Several former British cabinet ministers, also known as Brexit rebels among Tory members of parliament, are expected to have a showdown meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday, the beginning of a pivotal week for the country's politics.

The planned meeting was announced at a time when the former justice secretary David Gauke said Sunday he believed the national interest would come first if he faced deselection for opposing a no-deal Brexit.

UK's Labour says no deal legislation will be tabled Tuesday

LONDON (Reuters) - Plans for legislation to stop a no-deal Brexit will be published on Tuesday, Britain’s opposition Labour treasury spokesman John McDonnell said on Sunday.

“Don’t underestimate how difficult it is to legislate within a week, the Prime Minister knows that and that’s why he’s proroguing parliament,” he told Sky News.

UK lawmakers opposed to no-deal Brexit to bring forward legislation

LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers opposed to no-deal Brexit will attempt to pass a law this week to stop Prime Minister Boris Johnson allowing Britain to crash out of the European Union on October 31, the opposition Labour Party’s Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer said.

Senior minister Michael Gove, however, refused to guarantee the government would abide by any such legislation, saying it needed to see what it said.

Britons protest Johnson's Brexit move

31 August 2019; AFP: Demonstrators rallied on Saturday in cities across Britain against Prime Minister Boris Johnson's controversial move to suspend parliament weeks before Brexit.

The protests come ahead of an intense political week in which Johnson's opponents will seek to block the move in court and legislate against a no-deal departure from the EU -- and could even try to topple his government in a no-confidence vote.

Former UK PM Major joins legal action to block Johnson suspending parliament

LONDON (Reuters) - Former British Prime Minister John Major has asked to join legal action to try to block current Prime Minister Boris Johnson from suspending parliament before Brexit.

Major, prime minister from 1990 to 1997, said he would join anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller in pursuing a judicial review of the order to close parliament from mid September to mid October.

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