
UK planning post-Brexit freight service for vital medicines

LONDON (AP) — The British government wants to create an “express freight service” to ensure essential medicines are still available if the U.K. leaves the European Union without a divorce deal.

The Department of Health said Thursday it is inviting potential providers to submit offers for a contract lasting at least a year. The department hasn’t specified what method of transportation the service would use.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists Brexit will happen Oct. 31 whether or not there is an approved agreement with the EU.

British MP asks foreign secretary to raise Kashmir HR abuses at UNSC

LONDON, Aug 13 (APP): Stella Creasy, Labour and Co-operative member of parliament (MP) for Walthamstow, while expressing her deep concern on disturbing human rights situation in the Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) has called upon United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to raise the matter at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

US, UK looking for quick post-Brexit trade deal

13 August 2019; DW: London and Washington are ready to strike a post-Brexit trade deal "in pieces" in order to speed up the process. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said Brexit must be delivered by whatever means possible on October 31.

The United States and the United Kingdom will be looking for a quick, piece by piece, trade deal when Britain leaves the European Union.

Time running out for MPs to stop no-deal Brexit: think-tank

LONDON, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Time is running out for "Remain"-supporting politicians to prevent an ultimate no-deal Brexit, a London-based think tank said Monday.

The Institute for Government (IfG) said in a 22-page report that many of the previous avenues to stopping no-deal are no longer available to the House of Commons.

The paper, titled "Voting on Brexit: Parliament's Role before 31 October" said that even if members of parliament (MPs) succeeded in amending or voting down new laws, it would only limit the government's powers, rather than manage to prevent a no-deal.

UK economy shrinks amid Brexit uncertainty

09 August 2019; DW: The contraction was the first since 2012 and comes ahead of the UK's planned exit from the European Union. Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid promised the "fundamentals of the British economy are strong."

The United Kingdom's gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.2% in the second quarter of 2019, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) said on Thursday.

Brexit fallout: UK's Johnson woos 'best and brightest' immigrants

09 August 2019; DW: New British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a plan to fast-track top scientists seeking to immigrate to the UK. Brexit uncertainties have many leading research institutions worried about funding and talent.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled plans on Thursday for a new fast-track visa to encourage the "best and brightest" of the world's scientists to emigrate to Britain.

UK opposition warns Johnson against Brexit ‘abuse of power’

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s main opposition leader is seeking a guarantee that Prime Minister Boris Johnson won’t let the U.K. tumble out of the European Union during an election campaign.

Johnson says Britain will leave the EU as scheduled on Oct. 31, with or without a divorce deal. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Thursday accused him of planning “anti-democratic” maneuvers to get his way.

UK food industry looks to avoid shortages in no-deal Brexit

LONDON (AP) — The U.K. food industry is asking the government to set aside competition rules so companies can coordinate supply decisions to combat shortages in the event Britain leaves the European Union without an agreement on future trade relations.

The Food and Drink Federation said Wednesday it has asked the government to direct the Competition and Markets Authority to relax rules that prevent such coordination. It hasn’t yet received a response.

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