
Turkey to do everything for ICC to punish Israel for Gaza genocide - Erdogan

ANKARA, December 2. /TASS/: Turkey will do everything possible for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to punish Israel for the genocide in the Gaza Strip, the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters upon his return from Dubai, where he participated in the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28).

Türkiye's central bank reserves record historic high

ANKARA, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- The total reserves of the Turkish central bank reached a historic high of 136.49 billion U.S. dollars as of the end of last week, according to the data announced by the bank on Thursday.

Among the reserves, 90.99 billion dollars were foreign currency reserves while 45.49 billion were gold reserves.

Since May, the bank's total gross reserves surged 38.35 billion dollars, or 38.6 percent. There has been an upward momentum in the bank's reserves since June.

Turkey: Netanyahu gone down in history as 'butcher of Gaza,' Erdogan says

ANKARA, November 29. /TASS/: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone down in history as the "butcher of Gaza," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.

"Since October 7, our brothers and sisters in Gaza have been subjected to the most treacherous attacks in human history. Their mosques have been bombed. Their schools have been reduced to rubble. The refugee camps where they have sought shelter have been deliberately targeted. Netanyahu has went down in history as the butcher of Gaza," the Turkish president said in a speech to parliament.

Turkish Prez Erdogan tells UN chief that Israel must face international courts over Gaza crimes

29 November 2023; MEMO: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today that Israel must be held accountable in international courts for the war crimes it has committed in Gaza, Reuters has reported.

Turkish president warns countries supporting Israel against participating in crimes

ISTANBUL, November 22. /TASS/: The Western countries that have taken Israel’s side in its conflict with Palestine should refrain from participating in its crimes, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.

"Before it’s too late, the governments of the countries that have sided with Israel should move to the side of international law, human rights, conscience and morality, and refrain from participating in these crimes. We need to side with those oppressed and save them from the steps that oppressors are taking," the Turkish leader told reporters upon return from Algeria.

Turkish Foreign minister warns of escalating nuclear arms race with Israel's continued possession

18 November 2023; MEMO: Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan expressed concerns Saturday that Israel’s continued possession of nuclear weapons could heighten the nuclear arms race, leading to an unfavorable situation, Anadolu Agency reports.

Turkiye: First Lady calls Gaza ‘city of unknown children’

16 November 2023; MEMO: Turkiye’s First Lady has said that Gaza has become a city of “unknown children”, a reference to the children who were killed in Israeli bombing raids who have nobody to identify their remains. Emine Erdogan made her comment in her speech on Wednesday at the Summit of First Ladies in Istanbul under the banner “One Heart for Palestine”.

Turkiye President Erdogan visits patients transferred from Gaza

16 November 2023; MEMO: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Thursday, paid a visit to the patients who were transferred from Gaza to Turkiye via Egypt, Anadolu Agency reports.

A total of 27 cancer patients are currently under treatment at the Bilkent City Hospital in the capital, Ankara.

Erdogan, along with Health Minister, Fahrettin Koca, and Hospital Chief Physician, Prof. Ercan Yeni, visited patients one by one and expressed his get well soon wishes.

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