
Syria’s Wheat Yield Expected To Reach One Million Tonnes This Year: PM

DAMASCUS, Jun 10 (NNN-SANA) – Syrian Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, yesterday said, the country’s wheat yield this year is expected to reach one million tonnes.

Arnous made the remarks, during his visit to the central province of Hama, where an estimated 350,000 tonnes of wheat will be produced this year, said the report.

The prime minister noted that, the wheat quality this year is good, as shown by indicators, including the complete maturity of the grain and the specific weight in hard and soft varieties, which tell the plumpness of grains.

Syria’s Kurds to try IS fighters after their home countries refused to repatriate them

QAMISHLI, Syria (AP) — The Kurdish-led authority in northeast Syria announced Saturday that hundreds of fighters with the Islamic State group held in prisons around the region will be put on trial after their home countries refused to repatriate them.

The statement by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria said it still calls for the creation of an international tribunal to put those fighters on trial. It called on the United Nations, international rights groups and local organizations to help facilitate the trials.

Syria committed to restore industry to pre-war level: minister

DAMASCUS, Jun 9 (NNN-SANA) – Syria’s Industry Minister, Abdul Qader Jokhadar, vowed to restore the country’s industry to levels before the 12-year-war, the pro-government al-Watan online daily, reported yesterday.

He said that, the government is aware of the importance of the industrial sector and its contribution to boosting the national economy, vowing the status of the Syrian industry would be restored to what it used to be before the eruption of the Syrian war.

Syria grandmother builds clay ovens to fend for orphan grandchildren

01 June 2023; MEMO: Shamsa Al-Ali, 65, builds tandoors — traditional clay ovens to bake bread — in Syria's northern district of Tal Abyad to look after her six orphan grandchildren, Anadolu Agency reports.

In 2015, Shamsa lost her only son in an airstrike carried out by the US-led forces in the province of Deir Ez-Zor.

Shamsa migrated to Raqqa from Deir Ez-Zor, which was at the centre of the attacks of the YPG/PKK terrorist group and coalition forces.

Restoration lags for Syria’s famed Roman ruins at Palmyra and other war-battered historic sites

PALMYRA, Syria (AP) — At the height of the Islamic State group’s rampage across Syria, the world watched in horror as the militants blew up an iconic arch and temple in the country’s famed Roman ruins in Palmyra.

Eight years later, IS has lost its hold but restoration work on the site has been held up by security issues, leftover IS land mines and lack of funding.

United States sends Himars missile system to its forces stationed near oil fields in Syria

31 May 2023; MEMO: The United States has armed its forces stationed near oil fields in eastern Syria with HIMARS rocket launchers, Anadolu quoted local sources as saying yesterday.

The HIMARS missile system was sent to US forces in Deir Ez-Zor province over the past few days, the sources told Anadolu.

Deir Ez-Zor province, east of the Euphrates River, is currently controlled by the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).

Syria: Scores of public workers resign due to low wages

30 May 2023; MEMO: Scores of public sector employees in Syria have resigned due to poor wages that do not meet their basic needs, Al-Watan newspaper reported yesterday.

According to the paper, the province of As-Suwayda recently recorded 400 resignations.

The Syrian citizens' purchasing power has decreased greatly in regime-controlled areas, due to the significant drop in the exchange rate of the Syria lira against the US dollar.

Teenagers from Islamic State families undergo rehabilitation in Syria, but future still uncertain

QAMISHLI, Syria (AP) — For at least four years, thousands of children have been growing up in a camp in northeast Syria housing families of Islamic State group militants, raised in an atmosphere where the group’s radical ideology still circulates and where they have almost no chance for an education.

Fearing that a new generation of militants will emerge from al-Hol Camp, the Kurdish officials who govern eastern and northern Syria are experimenting with a rehabilitation program aimed at pulling children out of extremist thought.

Israel Strikes Military Sites In Syria

DAMASCUS, May 29 (NNN-SANA) – Israeli war jets launched an overnight attack on military sites in the Syrian capital, Damascus, last night, causing damage only, the Syrian military said, in a statement.

The Israeli strike was made from over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, which has triggered the Syrian air defences, said the statement.

It added that, some of the missiles had been intercepted.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor said, Israel launched two waves of missile attacks on military sites in the vicinity of Damascus.

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