
‘We will continue to support efforts to hold war criminals in Syria accountable’: Emir of Qatar

23 Sep 2020; MEMO: Emir of Qatar Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani affirmed that his country will continue to support efforts to achieve justice and hold the perpetrators of atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria accountable.

“We will continue to provide all aspects of support and assistance to the brotherly Syrian people,” he vowed during a speech at the opening of the 75th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Tuesday.

Qatar rejects normalisation with Israel before solving Palestinian situation

16 Sep 2020; MEMO: Qatar has completely rejected normalising ties with Israel, stressing that this is not the core of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.

Speaking to Bloomberg on Monday, spokesperson of Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lolwah Rashid Al-Khater said: “We don’t think that normalization was the core of this conflict and hence it can’t be the answer.”

U.S. Secretary of State says up to Afghans to determine political system during peace talks

DOHA (Reuters) - United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged warring Afghan sides to seize the opportunity to strike a peace deal at the opening ceremony for long-awaited negotiations in Doha on Saturday.

“The choice of your future political system is, of course, yours to make,” he said, adding that he hoped the solution would protect the rights of all Afghan and protect social progress, including the presence of women in public life.

“I cannot strongly enough urge you, seize this opportunity, he added.

Qatar emir reaffirms commitment to two-state solution in meeting with US’ Kushner

03 Sep 2020; MEMO: Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani has reaffirmed his commitment to a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a meeting yesterday with senior adviser to the White House, Jared Kushner, Reuters reports.

Qatar raises minimum wage, lifts restriction on changing jobs

31 Aug 2020; MEMO: Qatar announced on Sunday changes to its labour laws, raising its minimum wage on Sunday by 25 per cent to 1,000 riyals ($274.6) a month and scrapping a requirement for employees to get the permission of their employers to change jobs, Reuters reports.

It is the latest in a series of labour reforms by the 2022 FIFA World Cup host which in the lead up to the tournament has faced accusations that migrant workers are exploited.

Qatar supplies UK with 50% of its annual gas needs

29 Aug 2020; MEMO: Qatari natural gas exports have recently grown in the global market, as the country has become one of the UK’s major gas exporters.

In a report, Scientect website revealed that Qatar is among the leading exporters of natural gas to the UK, which is considered to be the world’s eighth-largest gas importer.

Qatar establishes air bridge to help Lebanon

06 Aug 2020; MEMO: Qatar has announced the establishment of an air bridge to get aid to the people of Lebanon following the explosion in the capital Beirut on Tuesday.

According to the Qatar News Agency, Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani has ordered an airlift of emergency medical aid to Lebanon, and the first aircraft of the Qatar Air Force has already left for Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport.

Qatar interested in hosting Olympics

28 July 2020; MEMO: Qatar, the host of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, announced on Monday it would also like to stage the Olympics, possibly in 2032.

The Gulf Arab state’s Olympic committee said it submitted a request to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to join the phase of “continuous dialogue” about hosting a future Games.

Qatar to pay monthly cash aid to 100,000 Gaza families

25 July 2020; MEMO: The Qatar Committee for Reconstruction of Gaza announced on Friday that it would start paying cash aid to needy families in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Qatar News Agency reported.

Chairman of the Committee Ambassador Mohammed Al-Emadi added that the assistance is paid for Gaza families in cooperation with the Qatar Fund for Development.

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