Human Rights

Trump thanks Saudi Arabia for lower oil prices

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the fallout from the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi (all times local):

President Donald Trump is thanking Saudi Arabia for plunging oil prices amid criticism over his decision not to further punish the kingdom for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi (jah-MAHL’ khahr-SHOHK’-jee).

Trump tweeted Wednesday from his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida it’s “Great!” oil prices are getting lower and it’s “Like a big Tax Cut for America and the World.”

India: Muzaffarpur shelter home case: CBI arrests quack

Muzaffarpur (Bihar), Nov 20 (PTI) The CBI late on Tuesday arrested a quack from a remote part of the district in connection with the shelter home sex scandal.

Ashwani, who practised quackery in the district's Kurhani block, was arrested and brought to the CBI camp office in the town by the investigating agency following information that he allegedly used to visit the shelter home to administer injections laced with sedatives to the inmates, official sources said.

Trump pressed for harsher US response to killing of writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump faces increasing pressure to take tougher measures against Saudi Arabia over the killing of writer Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump says that Saudi Arabia is a “spectacular ally” and that he’s not convinced that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto leader, was directly responsible for the Oct. 2 slaying of the editorial columnist for The Washington Post inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

US airstrikes killed 37 in Somalia

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military says it killed a total of 37 Islamic extremists in two airstrikes in Somalia.

U.S. Africa Command, which carries out counterterrorism missions in Somalia and elsewhere in Africa, said in a statement Tuesday that both airstrikes were conducted on Monday.

It said 27 members of the al-Shabab extremist group were killed in the first strike and 10 in the second. It said it believes no civilians were killed or injured.

Africa Command said the airstrikes were carried out in coordination with the government of Somalia.

US judge stalls enforcement of Trump asylum restrictions

HOUSTON (AP) — A federal judge has barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally.

President Donald Trump issued a proclamation on Nov. 9 circumventing immigration law, saying anyone who crossed the southern border between official ports of entry would be ineligible for asylum.

Trump says ‘no reason’ for him to hear Khashoggi death tape

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said there is no reason for him to listen to a recording of the “very violent, very vicious” killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which has put him in a diplomatic bind: how to admonish Riyadh for the slaying yet maintain strong ties with a close ally.

Migrants at Balkan border face new obstacle: cold

VELIKA KLADUSA, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — It is biting cold near the border of Bosnia and Croatia, and nothing really keeps the migrants camping there stay warm.

After a mild autumn, the weather in the Balkans gave way to gray skies, plunging temperatures and cutting wind. The approach of another winter announced tougher times for migrants stuck in the region while trying to reach western Europe.

India: Right-wing group threatens to perform puja at Taj

Agra (UP), Nov 17 (PTI) A right-wing group has threatened to perform a puja inside the Taj Mahal, alleging that some Muslims have defied an Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) notification banning namaz except on Fridays.

A CISF commandant said an inquiry was being conducted into the reported incident of namaz being offered on Wednesday.

The locals are insisting that they be allowed to go inside for prayers daily. Muslim leaders blamed the ASI for fomenting communal trouble on false pretexts.

Khattar's rape remark invites Cong's wrath

Chandigarh, Nov 17 (PTI) Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has courted a controversy over his remarks on rape incidents, with the Congress condemning the statement, saying the state government's "anti-women mindset" was exposed.

At a function in Kalka town of Panchkula district on Friday, Khattar said, "The incidents of rape have not increased... Rapes used to take place in the past and even today as well. (Only) the concern (over such incidents) has increased.

Two Kasmiris killed in by Indian Security Forces

Srinagar, Nov 18 (PTI) Two militants belonging to the Al-Badar outfit were Sunday killed in an encounter with security forces in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir, police said.

Based on a credible input about the presence of militants, a cordon and search operation was launched by security forces at the crack of dawn in Rebban area of Zainapora in the south Kashmir district, a police spokesman said.

He said as the search operation was going on, the search party was fired upon by the hiding militants.

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