South America

Brazil allows two Iranian warships to dock in Rio despite US pressure

27 Feb 2023; MEMO: Two Iranian warships docked in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday after Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's government granted permission, despite pressure from the United States to bar them, Reuters reports.

The "IRIS Makran" and "IRIS Dena" warships both arrived on Sunday morning, Rio's port authority said in a statement.

Peru recalls ambassador to Mexico over diplomatic row

LIMA, Feb 25 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Peruvian President Dina Boluarte announced the “definitive recall” of her ambassador to Mexico, citing the continued support that the North American country has given to deposed president Pedro Castillo.

Peru’s leftist former president Castillo was impeached and arrested for attempting to dissolve parliament and rule by decree in December, and Boluarte has since seen weeks of anti-government protests across the Andean nation calling for her removal.

Death toll from floods, landslides rises to 48 in Brazil

SAO PAULO, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The death toll in southeast Brazil's flood-ravaged Sao Paulo state rose to 48 as rescuers continued to search for missing people, local authorities said Wednesday.

Sao Paulo's state government said 47 victims were in the municipality of Sao Sebastiao, and one was in Ubatuba.

Some 40 people are still missing, and most are believed to be buried under a mountain of mud left by landslides in the state.

Heavy rains leave 36 dead in Brazil, cities cancel Carnival

SAO PAULO (AP) — Heavy rain caused flooding and landslides that have killed 36 people in Brazil’s north Sao Paulo state, officials said Sunday, and the fatalities could rise.

Sao Paulo state government said in a statement that 35 died in the city of Sao Sebastiao and a 7-year-old girl was killed in neighboring Ubatuba.

The cities of Sao Sebastiao, Ubatuba, Ilhabela and Bertioga, some of the hardest hit and now under state of calamity, canceled their Carnival festivities as rescue teams struggle to find missing, injured and feared dead in the rubble.

From a secret safehouse, Peru’s Indigenous revolt advances

LIMA, Peru (AP) — In an industrial corridor of Peru’s capital, a dingy stairwell leads to a second-floor safehouse. Dozens of Quechua and Aymara activists lie on mattresses strewn on the floor, resting up for more anti-government demonstrations as volunteers cook a breakfast of donated rice, pasta and vegetables.

Brazil's minimum wage to rise from May, president says

BRASILIA, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced Thursday the minimum monthly wage will increase from the current 1,302 reais to 1,320 reais (251 U.S. dollars) starting May.

Lula said his administration would set a new rule for the minimum salary taking into account inflation compensation and GDP growth, saying "it is the fairest way to distribute economic growth."

Venezuelan president urges youths to defeat U.S. blockade

CARACAS, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday urged the country's youths to fight and defeat "the challenge of the blockade, sanctions and attacks" of the United States.

Addressing thousands during a ceremony marking National Youth Day, he called on the younger generations to "liberate the homeland," and to "fight so that Venezuela will not be a colony again."

Peru Extends State Of Emergency Amid Political Unrest

LIMA, Feb 11 (NNN-ANDINA) – Peru has extended the state of emergency in several regions, to deal with the two-month political turmoil, that has claimed dozens of lives, in clashes between protesters and security forces.

A mandate, published in the official newspaper, El Peruano, yesterday said, the measure will be extended by 60 days, due to “continued terrorist activities and other illegal acts.”

Ecuadorian President Renewed Cabinet After Defeat In Local Elections

QUITO, Feb 11 (NNN-XINHUA) – Ecuadorian President, Guillermo Lasso, reshuffled his governing team and appointed four new provincial governors, after the ruling party got poor results in the nationwide local elections.

“The decision to renew my team is meant to strengthen actions, plans and projects, to continue building a better country for everyone,” Lasso said, at the presidential palace, describing the changes as “necessary adjustments.”

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