
11 members of Turkiye's opposition resign over candidate's anti-refugee rhetoric

23 May 2023; MEMO: Eleven co-founding members of Turkiye's opposition Future Party, the main component of the Six-Party opposition coalition, have resigned in protest against the anti-refugee rhetoric of Nation Alliance candidate, Kemal  Kilicdaroglu.

Turkiye arrests Israeli Mossad cell 'spying' on Iranians

24 May 2023; MEMO: Turkiye's National Intelligence Agency (MIT) has uncovered and arrested eleven people said to be part of an Israeli Mossad cell spying on individuals and entities related to Iran, Sabah reported on Tuesday. According to the Turkish newspaper, the mission was accomplished in cooperation with the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in Istanbul.

Turkish opposition calls Erdogan a 'fabricator' over doctored video

ANKARA, May 23 (Reuters) - The man challenging for the Turkish presidency has accused President Tayyip Erdogan of being a "fabricator" after he cited a doctored video to allege opposition links to an outlawed militant Kurdish group ahead of a runoff election on Sunday.

Erdogan repeated the allegation and referred to the doctored video, splicing footage of Kemal Kilicdaroglu and a Kurdish militant, in an interview with state broadcaster TRT late on Monday, despite having been criticised by the opposition for showing it earlier in his campaign.

Turkiye: Ogan who came 3rd in presidential election now backs Erdogan in runoff vote

22 May 2023; MEMO: Sinan Ogan, who came third in last week's presidential election in Turkiye, has endorsed President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the runoff vote scheduled for Sunday.

Speaking to reporters today, Ogan said: "I declare that we will support the candidate of People's Alliance, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the second round of the presidential election."

Nearly 500,000 expats vote for Turkiye's presidential runoff elections

21 May 2023; MEMO: Nearly 500,000 million Turkish nationals have cast their votes abroad in the country's foreign missions and customs gates in the second round of Turkiye's presidential election scheduled for May 28, Anadolu reports.

Since overseas voting began Saturday, 452,257 voters cast ballots at Turkish diplomatic missions, while 19,477 voted at customs gates, for a total of 471,734 people, according to figures from the Supreme Election Council (YSK).

Turkish candidate Kilicdaroglu hardens stance before runoff against Erdogan

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s main challenger in Turkey’s presidential race shifted gear and adopted a more nationalist and hard-line stance on Thursday, vowing to send back millions of refugees if he is elected and rejecting any possibility of negotiating for peace with Kurdish militants.

Voters in Turkey will head back to the polls on May 28 for a runoff election after neither Erdogan nor his rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, won more than 50% of the votes in Sunday’s first round.

Microalgae brought from Antarctica to be tested during Turkiye 1st manned space voyage

17 May 2023; MEMO: Microalgae, which was collected by Turkish scientists in Antarctica, will be tested during Turkiye's first manned space voyage, Anadolu News Agency reports.

The Turkish Space Agency (TUA) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK) have announced that the microalgae experiments will be carried out in the 100th year of the Republic of Turkiye.

Turkey: Women's representation in Parliament at highest level in history

17 May 2023; MEMO: Women's representation in the Turkish Parliament will be the highest level in history after Sunday's parliamentary elections, Anadolu News Agency reports.

According to the unofficial results, 121 women secured seats in the 600-member Parliament.

The female representation rate, which was 17.1 per cent in the previous elections, rose to 20.1 per cent this year.

Turkiye regrets report by OSCE election observation mission on Sunday's elections

17 May 2023; MEMO: Turkiye decried, on Tuesday, a report by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) election observation mission on Sunday's elections, Anadolu News Agency reports.

"Some political and accusatory statements in the report that went beyond the election process and inconsistent with the principles of independent and impartial observation were met with regret," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a written statement.

Turkiye: Deputy Chair of CHP's resigns over negative public opinion

17 May 2023; MEMO: The deputy chair of the Republican People's Party (CHP), Turkiye's main opposition party, announced his resignation yesterday.

"In order not to harm the election process, our chairperson and presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu, with whom I have been honoured to walk side by side, I am resigning from my post as the deputy chair of CHP's information and communication technologies department due to negative public opinion," Onursal Adiguzel said in a tweet.

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