
Turkey says Armenia must send back foreign 'mercenaries'

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said Monday Armenia must stop its occupation of Azerbaijan’s lands and send back the “mercenaries and terrorists” it brought from abroad for stability in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, where Armenian and Azeri forces have clashed.

“Armenia must immediately halt its attacks, send back the mercenaries and terrorists it brought from abroad and withdraw from the Azerbaijan lands,” said Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar, adding a ceasefire and peace are needed.

Turkey says Armenia is obstacle to peace after clashes with Azerbaijan

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey urged Armenia on Sunday to immediately cease what it called hostility towards Azerbaijan that could “throw the region into fire”, following clashes between Armenian and Azeri forces over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenia declared martial law and mobilised its male population after the clashes. Turkey has condemned Armenia for what it said were provocations against Azerbaijan.

Boosting infrastructure, Turkey poised to be global tech leader

With its solid technology infrastructure and great potential at its bag, Turkey is going to be racing to the top within 10 years, the deputy technology and industry minister expressed his strong belief during Teknofest, Turkey's largest aerospace and technology event.

The National Technology Move under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has boosted Turkey's technology infrastructure and environment, Mehmet Fatih Kacir told Anadolu Agency in Gaziantep, a southern city hosting four-day event through Sunday.

Turkey's parliament speaker condemns US House Speaker

26 Sep 2020; MEMO: Turkey’s parliament speaker on “regretfully” condemned US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi for anti-Turkey remarks, Anadolu Agency reports.

“I regretfully condemn Nancy Pelosi,…, for making Turkey the subject and addressee of her heinous language which she uses in domestic political payoffs in the US and making ignorant and disrespectful characterizations about Turkey,” Mustafa Sentop wrote on Twitter.

Turkey issues arrest warrants for 82 Kurdish politicians over 2014 riots

ANKARA, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Turkish prosecutors have issued arrest warrants for the detention of 82 Kurdish politicians, including former lawmakers of pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP), as part of an investigation launched over deadly protests in 2014.

"The Ankara Prosecutor's Terror Crimes Investigation Bureau has launched an investigation on the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) terrorist organization and its so-called executives, as well as certain political party executives and members," the prosecutor's office said on Friday.

Hamas, Fatah agree to hold elections in Palestine within 6 months

25 Sep 2020; MEMO: Hamas and Fatah have agreed to hold the first elections in Palestine in nearly 15 years, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported.

Following a meeting at the Palestinian Embassy in Istanbul, a press release was issued that confirmed the two biggest Palestinian factions had reached “a unified vision”.

Turkish-US trade increases amid pandemic

24 Sep 2020; AA: Turkish and American companies will continue to work together in order to seek opportunities to serve the interests of the citizens of both countries, said a board member of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM).

Speaking at the 38th American-Turkish Conference, Spencer Bachus said Turkey is an attractive destination for foreign investment and it continues to be a great link between the East and the West.

Turkey and Greece agree to resume talks on East Med dispute

23 Sep 2020; MEMO: Turkey and Greece agreed to talks over disputed waters in the Eastern Mediterranean, both sides announced yesterday, after German-led efforts to defuse a crisis that has raised fears of conflict.

Earlier in the day, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a video conference with European Council President Charles Michel and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Turkey keeps calm despite Greece’s provocation: Erdogan

23 Sep 2020; MEMO: Turkey keeps a prudent and calm attitude despite Greece’s provocations and rising tension in the region, the Turkish president said on Wednesday, Anadolu reports.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s remarks came during a phone conversation with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg about the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the relationship between Turkey and NATO.

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