
india: Nine more children die in Bihar, toll rises to 63 in a month

Patna/Muzaffarpur, Jun 14 (PTI) Nine more children died on Friday in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district, which is reeling under an outbreak of brain fever, taking the toll to 63 this month, with officials maintaining the death were due to hypoglycemia.

All the victims have fallen prey to hypoglycemia, a condition caused by a very low level of blood sugar and electrolyte imbalance, they said.

The 63 children died in two hospitals of Muzaffarpur, one of which was visited by state Health Minister Mangal Pandey during the day.

Radioactive material leaked from Israel’s nuclear reactor several times

12 June 2019; MEMO: A Israeli court heard yesterday that radioactive material has leaked from the Dimona nuclear reactor several times since it was built, Arab48 reported.

This was revealed during a case against the reactor filed by a former worker who is battling cancer.

According to the Israeli general radio, the reactor recognised the leaks after workers complained; no further details were given.

Sleeping with the TV on may make you gain weight

CHICAGO (AP) — Dozing off to late-night TV or sleeping with other lights on may mix up your metabolism and lead to weight gain and even obesity, provocative but preliminary U.S. research suggests.

The National Institutes of Health study published Monday isn’t proof, but it bolsters evidence suggesting that too much exposure to light at night could pose health risks.

1 million new sexually transmitted diseases each day

7 June 2019; DW: The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported a lack of progress in combating sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and warned of complacency in the wake of an increase in the use of dating applications.

More than 1 million people catch an STD, or sexually transmitted infection (STI), every day across the globe, with chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and syphilis of greatest concern.

Feds: No more education, legal services for immigrant kids

PHOENIX (AP) — The federal government has stopped paying for English-language courses and legal services at facilities that hold immigrant children around the country, imposing budget cuts it says are necessary at a time when record numbers of unaccompanied children are arriving at the border.

Trump halts fetal tissue research by government scientists

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration said Wednesday that it is ending medical research by government scientists that uses human fetal tissue,.

The Health and Human Services Department said in a statement that government-funded research by universities that involves fetal tissue can continue for now, subject to additional scrutiny — although it also ended one major university project that used the tissue to test HIV treatments. That school — University of California, San Francisco — called the decision “politically motivated.”

AI robots could play big role in mental healthcare: Aussie study

SYDNEY, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Artificially intelligent (AI) robots that can speak with people autonomously have a big role to play in the future of mental healthcare, according to a team of Aussie experts on Thursday.

The researchers at the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision and the Queensland University of Technology believe social robots have enormous potential to help people suffering from conditions such as depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and eating disorders.

India: Kerala govt confirms Nipah virus, 86 under observation

Kochi, June 4 (PTI) A 23-year-old college student here has been confirmed to be infected with the Nipah virus while 86 others are under medical observation, Kerala Health Minister K K Shailaja Tuesday said.

The results of blood samples of the student, which were tested at the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune, have confirmed Nipah, she said.

Man infected with Nipah found in India's Kerala

NEW DELHI, June 4 (Xinhua) -- A 23-year-old man admitted in a private hospital in southern India state of Kerala was found tested positive for the deadly Nipah virus, officials said Tuesday.

The case was detected in Ernakulam district, about 213 km north of Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala.

Authorities have cautioned people to follow instructions from health department in wake of detection of the case.

UN expert calls air pollution violation of human rights

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 03 (APP): A UN expert said Monday that the failure of governments across the world to ensure clear air, constitutes a “violation of the rights to life, health and well-being, as well as the right to live in a healthy environment.”

Ahead of the 2019 World Environment Day on Wednesday, which has air pollution as its theme, David Boyd, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, called on states to take urgent action to improve air quality in order to fulfill their human rights obligations.

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