UK business leaders maintain strong confidence in China's economy despite COVID-19

by Yu Jiaxin, Gu Zhenqiu

London, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, people from business and economics circles in Britain are showing their strong confidence in the resilience of China's economy.

"Companies have been driven to look at optimizing costs in their supply chain under the novel coronavirus, but I cannot say that companies will exit China due to this," said Nick Jordan, chief executive officer from Trade Horizons.

Foreign mercenaries are flocking to Libya

by Stasa Salacanin

22 Feb 2020; MEMO: Thousands of foreign mercenaries — “private military contractors” — are flocking to Libya, adding fuel to the fire of the civil war while further complicating the efforts to resolve the bloody conflict. In recent years, the North African state has become a paradise for hired guns from all over the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Turkey and Russia.

Was Coronavirus (COVID-19) Created in US lab?

By AW Siddiqui

The recent tensions between the United States and China are well known. The conflict is seen as a great power struggle between an established superpower and its burgeoning rival. The conflict’s scope ranges from a trade war to disputes over the South China Sea and 5G internet.

Some in Russia believe these tensions have pushed the United States’ government to take drastic actions to achieve its goals.

Int'l attention could bring better life to Afghan refugees in Pakistan

by Misbah Saba Malik

ISLAMABAD, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- When Qaisar Khan fled to Pakistan with his family from Afghanistan in the 1980s, he barely thought that even after four decades he could not be able to return to the place where he was born and spent the prime of his life.

The then 63-year-old made the choice right after a fateful night when rattles of guns forced him to think that maybe he and his kids would not be able to see the rising sun of the next day. The blazing guns were not only intimidating but also stirred the feeling in him to escape.

When Rahul Bajaj broke deafening silence of India Inc about BJP gov

By Rajkumar Leishemba & Munish Shekhavat

New Delhi, Dec 24 (PTI) Whenever the economy goes into a downward spiral, policies aligned with growth ambitions are a far cry and the industry suffers, vocal leaders of India Inc are usually the first ones to raise the red flag. But not against the BJP-led government in 2019, except a few.

Libya approves controversial maritime MoU with Turkey

by Mahmoud Darwesh

TRIPOLI, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) -- The UN-backed government of Libya on Thursday decided to activate two security memorandums of understanding (MoUs) signed with Turkey on Nov. 27.

One of the two MoUs is a maritime boundary deal that covers areas also claimed by Greece. It was denounced by Greece, Egypt and Cyprus as a violation of international law.

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