Human Rights

Supreme Court expresses concern over rape incidents in country

New Delhi, Aug 7; PTI:  The Supreme Court today expressed concern over incidents of rape in the country and said that women are being raped "left, right and centre".

A bench comprising Justices M B Lokur, Deepak Gupta and K M Joseph pulled up the Bihar government for funding an NGO which ran the shelter home in Muzaffarpur where girls were allegedly raped and sexually abused.

The bench referred to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data and said that  every six hours, a woman is raped in India.

Shelter home abuse: UP minister admits laxity by Deoria admin

Lucknow, Aug 7; PTI: Uttar Pradesh minister Rita Bahuguna Joshi today admitted laxity by Deoria administration in shutting down the shelter home from where 24 girls were rescued, saying the district officials were aware about the closure order but allowed the facility to operate for more than a year.

The admission of laxity by the state women and child welfare minister came a day after Union minister Maneka Gandhi said she feared that there could be more cases of sexual abuse of minor girls at shelter homes.

SC to hear on Aug 13 plea on Hapur mob lynching

New Delhi, Aug 7 (PTI) The Supreme Court today agreed to hear on August 13 the plea of a survivor of the Hapur lynching case, seeking a court-monitored SIT probe into the incident in which one person was killed allegedly on suspicion of being involved in cow slaughter.

The plea also sought cancellation of bail of the accused and transfer of case outside Uttar Pradesh.

German neo-Nazis launch hate campaign after Syrian boy dies

6 Aug 2018; DW: Swastikas have been daubed at the spot where a Syrian child was killed in an accident in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Local politicians condemned the graffiti, which is being investigated by police.

The small town of Schönberg in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has become the scene of an ugly neo-Nazi hate campaign after a young boy was hit by a tractor on June 20. Two men have since been identified in connection with the crime.

24 girls rescued from shelter home in Deoria in UP

Deoria (UP), Aug 6, 2018; PTI:  Twenty-four girls were rescued from a shelter home here after allegation of their sexual exploitation came to light, police said today.

Girija Tripathi and her husband Mohan Tripathi, who operated the shelter home, and its superintendent Kanchanlata were arrested, they said.

This case comes close on the heels of alleged sexual abuse of young girls at a state-funded shelter home in Bihar's Muzaffarpur.

SC judges meet CJI over Justice K M Joseph issue

New Delhi, Aug 6 (PTI) Judges of the Supreme Court today met Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra and lodged their protest over the Centre's decision to lower down the seniority of Justice K M Joseph, who is scheduled to take oath as apex court judge along with two others tomorrow.

Highly placed sources in the apex court said the judges, including Justices M B Lokur and Kurian Joseph, who are members of the collegium, met the CJI at the judges lounge during the tea before start of the day's working.

Attacks on Muslim minorities increased after NDA came to power

Hyderabad, Aug 6 (PTI) AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi today alleged that attacks on Muslim minorities have increased since the NDA government came to power at the Centre.

He said though the Prime Minister was talking about 'sab ka saath, sab ka vikas', Muslims in India were being killed in the name of the cow.

He referred to the lynching of Akbar Khan at Alwar in Rajasthan by cow vigilantes and said that after he was killed, a BJP MLA had branded him as a cow smuggler and said this was what was going to happen.

SC expresses displeasure over non-appointment of board of visitors for jails by states

New Delhi, Aug 5 (PTI) The Supreme Court has expressed its displeasure that several states have not yet appointed the board of visitors who regularly inspect prisons to ensure that they are being run in accordance with rules.

While terming the appointment of board of visitors "an absolute necessity", a bench comprising Justices Madan B Lokur and Deepak Gupta wondered as to why states were not following the model prison manual which was prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Six Kashmiris killed in J&K by Indian security forces

Srinagar, 4 Aug 2018; Five separatists have been killed by Indian security forces in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir.

The killed separatists are all all locals and have been identified as Umer Nazir Malik, Waqar Ahmad Sheikh, Aijaz Ahmad Paul, Arshad Ahmad Khan and Arif Ahmad Mir.

According to PTI, “Hundreds of protestors assembled near the encounter site in Kiloora and started pelting stones at the security forces, the police official said.”

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