Human Rights

Israel planned Thursday's attack on people receiving humanitarian aid in Gaza: Report

03 March 2024; MEMO: The Israeli attack on people waiting to receive humanitarian aid on Thursday morning, which killed 118 Palestinians and injured over 750 others, was orchestrated by Tel Aviv and involved local Palestinian entrepreneurs to show a genuine humanitarian aid delivery, media reports said on Sunday, Anadolu reports.

Netanyahu’s government ‘reached its demise,’ says Israel’s Lieberman

03 March 2024; MEMO: The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has reached its demise,” former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday, Anadolu reports.

“The government has exhausted itself, and removing it will be a reward for Israel’s people,” Lieberman, the leader of the hardline Yisrael Beiteinu Party, said in statements carried by Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

Hamas accounts Biden administration responsible for US airman death

Tehran, IRNA, 27 February 2024 – The Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has said that US President Joe Biden’s administration is responsible for the death of an American airman who set himself on fire.

Through self-immolation, Aaron Bushnell protested against Washington’s support for Tel Aviv’s genocidal measures in Gaza, Hamas said in a statement on Tuesday cited by Palestinian news agency Samaa.

400 Palestinians to be swapped for 40 Israeli captives: Report

Tehran, IRNA, 27 February 2024 -Qatar's Al Jazeera network reported on Tuesday morning that the Zionist regime has agreed to release 400 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 40 Israeli captives held by Palestinian resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Jazeera cited sources familiar with the ongoing negotiation on the Gaza ceasefire in Doha that the names of people with high convictions were also seen among those whom Israel agreed to release.

US airman dies after setting himself ablaze outside Israeli Embassy in Israel-Hamas war protest

WASHINGTON (AP) — An active-duty member of the U.S. Air Force has died after he set himself ablaze outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., while declaring that he “will no longer be complicit in genocide.”

The 25-year-old airman, Aaron Bushnell, of San Antonio, Texas, died from his injuries, the Metropolitan Police Department said Monday.

Israel is ready to halt its war in Gaza during Ramadan if a hostage deal is reached, Biden says

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — United States President Joe Biden said Israel would be willing to halt its war on Hamas in Gaza during the upcoming Muslim fasting month of Ramadan if a deal is reached to release some of the hostages held by the militants.

‘We should kill them all’ - US Congressman’s shocking comment on Gaz

21 February 2024; MEMO: Republican Representative Andy Ogles told activists who were calling for a ceasefire at Congress that “I think we should kill them all”, in reference to Palestinian children in Gaza.

The shocking response, experts have said, clearly indicates the extent of the United States’ responsibility for the crime of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

IDF Chief urges Israel army not to film 'revenge videos' amidst genocide case at ICJ

21 February 2024; MEMO: In a message to the Israeli army, IDF Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, instructed them “not to film revenge videos” after footage was used as evidence in the case against the Israeli regime for genocide before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

Palesinians’ use of force to resist occupation is legal, not terrorism, China tells ICJ

22 February 2024; MEMO: Palestinians have a right “to use force and resist foreign oppression” in order to establish an independent state as they are under occupation, China’s Foreign Ministry legal advisor Ma Xinmin told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) today.

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