
79 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in 3 days, Al-Qassam says

8 December 2023; MEMO: Al-Qassam Brigades announced yesterday that its fighters had completely or partially destroyed 79 Israeli military vehicles in Gaza City over a 72-hour period.

“Our fighters have booby-trapped a tunnel entrance in the Sheikh Radwan area, and as soon as an Israeli force advanced on it, it was blown up. As a result, members of the Israeli force were killed and wounded,” the Brigades said in a statement on Telegram.

Israeli Army Arrests Dozens Of Palestinians In Gaza

GAZA, Dec 8 (NNN-XINHUA) – The Israeli army arrested, yesterday, dozens of Palestinians, during its incursion into the town of Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip, said Palestinian sources.

Palestinian security sources told Xinhua that, Israeli troops made the arrests during their storming of residential neighbourhoods in Beit Lahia.

Local eyewitnesses said that, the Israeli soldiers deliberately stripped the detainees of their clothes during interrogations.

The UN secretary-general invoked ‘Article 99' to push for a Gaza cease-fire. What exactly is it?

(AP) --- It’s called “Article 99.” And it hasn’t been used for decades. Until this week.

With an intensifying Israeli offensive and escalating civilian casualties, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres invoked a rarely exercised power this week to warn the Security Council of an impending “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza. He urged members to demand an immediate humanitarian cease-fire.

Desperation grows among Palestinians trapped with little aid as Israel battles Hamas in Gaza

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Desperation grew Thursday among Palestinians largely cut off from supplies of food and water as Israeli forces engaged in fierce urban battles with Hamas militants. Strikes in the southern Gaza town of Rafah sowed fear in one of the last places where civilians could seek refuge.

Palestine: Last hospital in northern Gaza halts operation: health official

GAZA, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- The only operating hospital in the conflict-ravaged northern Gaza Strip halted services on Wednesday due to fuel shortages and heavy Israeli strikes, according to a Palestinian health official.

"Kamal Odwan Hospital was out of service due to repeated Israeli targeting and the exhaustion of fuel needed to operate the generators," Munir Al-Bursh, director-general of the Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza, said at a press conference.

Palestine: Heavy fighting in Gaza halts most aid delivery and leaves civilians with few places to seek safety

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli forces battled Hamas militants across Gaza on Wednesday in intense fighting that has prevented the distribution of vital aid in much of the territory and brought some of the devastation and mass displacement seen in the north to the south.

Israel's rape claims aim to tarnish group's 'humane treatment of hostages'; Hamas

5 December 2023; MEMO: Hamas, on Monday, dismissed Israeli rape accusations against its fighters as a “desperate attempt” to distort the group’s humane treatment of Israeli hostages, Anadolu Agency reports.

"We reject the Israeli lies about raping, which aim to distort the Resistance and tarnish our humanity and moral treatment of captives" Hamas said in a statement.

Telecommunications services completely cut off across entire Gaza Strip

5 December 2023; MEMO: The Palestinian telecommunications company (PalTel), on Monday, said that all communication and internet services in the Gaza Strip have been completely cut off, Anadolu  Agency reports.

In a statement, the company said the telecom service was cut due to the disconnection of the main elements of the network in light of the ongoing Israeli shelling across Gaza.

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