United Kingdom

UK delivers final blow to UAE hopes of acquiring Telegraph newspaper

19 March 2024; MEMO: The British government said today that it would refer the UAE-led takeover of the Telegraph Media Group for a lengthy review, a move that will effectively kill the deal because a law banning foreign governments owning newspapers is due to come into force in coming months, Reuters has reported.

UK: Nikki Haley has spent 20 years navigating Republican Party factions. Trump may make that impossible

England (AP) — When Nikki Haley was a South Carolina legislator, she backed budgets boosted by federal aid. Running for governor, she criticized a “bailout culture” and dependence on Washington.

She once called the Confederate battle flag a heritage symbol and sidestepped calls to remove it from statehouse grounds. After a racist massacre in Charleston, Haley moved to take it down.

UK: Prince Harry withdraws libel claim against British tabloid

LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Britain's Prince Harry on Friday withdrew his libel claim against the publisher of the Mail on Sunday newspaper over an article about his security arrangements, with his spokesperson saying he wanted to focus on his family's safety.

Harry, King Charles' younger son, had sued Associated Newspapers over a 2022 article which stated he only offered to pay for police protection after bringing a separate legal fight against the British government.

UK: Supporters of jailed activist bring protest to capital of Russian region

LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Hundreds of people ignored warnings from the authorities and rallied in the capital of Russia's Bashkortostan republic on Friday in support of a jailed activist whose case has highlighted deep grievances among one of Russia's many ethnic minorities.

Fail Alsynov, 37, is regarded as a hero by many of the region's ethnic Bashkir people for campaigning on behalf of their language, culture and rights.

UK leader Rishi Sunak tries to quell Conservative revolt over his Rwanda plan for migrants

LONDON (AP) — U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces a test of his authority and his nerve on Wednesday as he tries to subdue a Conservative Party rebellion and win parliamentary approval for his stalled plan to send some asylum-seekers on a one-way trip to Rwanda.

UK PM Sunak loses two vocal supporters to asylum rebellion

LONDON, Jan 16 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak defeated an initial right-wing rebellion in his party on Tuesday over legislation to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, refusing to cede ground in a battle that prompted two of his vocal supporters to resign.

The resignations of two Conservative vice-chairmen underlined the deep divisions in Sunak's governing party over legislation he believes is crucial in turning round his party's popularity before an election this year.

UK leader Rishi Sunak faces Conservative rebellion in Parliament over his Rwanda asylum plan

LONDON (AP) — U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces rebellion from senior lawmakers in his Conservative Party over his stalled plan to send asylum-seekers on a one-way trip to Rwanda, a controversial and expensive policy that the British leader has made central to his attempt to win an election this year.

Top UK diplomat says London ready to launch new strikes on Houthi positions — newspaper

LONDON, January 14. /TASS/: London is ready to support the United States in repeated airstrikes on the positions of Yemen's Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebels, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron said.

"We have sent an unambiguous message: what the Houthis are doing is wrong, and we are determined to put a stop to it. We will work with allies. We wil always defend the freedom of navigation. And, crucially, we will be prepared to back words with actions," Cameron wrote in an article published in The Sunday Telegraph.

Hundreds of UK postal workers wrongly accused of fraud will have their convictions overturned

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Wednesday he will introduce measures to overturn the convictions of more than 900 post office branch managers who were wrongly accused of theft or fraud because of a faulty computer system.

Sunak said the scandal, which saw hundreds of postmasters falsely convicted of stealing money because Post Office computers wrongly showed that funds were missing from their shops, was “one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our nation’s history.”

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