
Ready to protect European firms from US sanctions on Iran: EU

Brussels, Aug 6 (AP) The European Union today said that new measures are ready to take effect to protect European businesses from the impact of US sanctions on Iran.

The measures also aim to save the agreement meant to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions after the US abandoned the pact. The EU insists the deal is important for global security and is trying to keep economic and financial supply lines to Tehran open.

The EU's executive Commission said today that the "blocking statute" will take effect beginning at midnight Washington time (0400 GMT Tuesday).

Soaring temperatures across Europe likely to break record

BRUSSELS, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- As Europe's scorching heat wave continues to spread across the continent, forecasters are now saying the all-time temperature record in Europe could be broken in the coming days.

The temperature in Spain and Portugal, in particular, are expected to rise dramatically over the weekend.

Europe's weather warning group, Meteoalarm, has already issued red warnings - categorized as very dangerous and posing a risk to life - for much of southern Portugal and for the Badajoz province in Spain.

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