While the West is preoccupied with pronouns and 'cancelling', actual power is shifting eastwards

by Omar Ahmed

As the first conflict to take place in the era of popular cancel culture, the widespread social media backlash against Russia's invasion of Ukraine last month and ongoing military operations was expected.

This anti-Muslim hate campaign is tearing India apart

by P. K. Niaz

The virulent hate campaign by Hindutva forces promoted by the ruling right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and subsequent rise in public and institutional Islamophobia, have combined to create panic among India's 204 million Muslims, the country's largest minority community.

Boris Johnson's 'good' versus 'evil' hyperbole dishonours the victims of the US invasion of Iraq

by Nasim Ahmed

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at the weekend that he had "never seen such a stark division between good and evil," as he charged Russian president Vladimir Putin of "trying to crush a blameless, innocent civilian population." What on earth did he mean?

Putin's invasion and its effects are horrific, and the humanitarian crisis will be around for some time. However, like many others, when I hear politicians talking about "good" and "evil" it is almost always evidence of propaganda.

Western racism at its worst

by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

They have always stressed the importance of human rights, the right of all people to live a free and dignified life, and equality among all human beings, but when it actually comes down to it, this mask has fallen, and the true face and hateful racism of Western states has been exposed. Such slogans about equality have been revealed to be a sham by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They are so hollow that they are clearly not even believed in, never mind applied equally.

The World Social Forum and the Peace Agenda

by Mauri Cruz

The world is terrified to watch the war in Ukraine, which has global importance because it involves the second largest nuclear power. But the world did not go to war with Russian military operations. There are other wars going on, though not reported. Starting with the unauthorised occupation of Palestine, the Israeli military killed 219 Palestinians, including 63 children in May 2021 alone.

It's time for Palestinians to lobby for a 'one state' solution

by Nizar Milbes

Israel has benefited greatly from the lack of consensus among the Palestinian factions in occupied Palestine and the diaspora in terms of the solution that they actually want to see. The occupation state is skilled at divide and rule, allowing Hamas to thrive in Gaza for decades and strengthening the Palestinian Authority while preventing any kind of reconciliation between the two.

Orientalism, Ukraine and the social disease of selective solidarity

A couple of weeks ago, I stood in front of my most diverse group of students and the largest class I have had since I began teaching in 2020. It was my first face-to-face cultural content seminar since the start of the pandemic, and I hesitated for a second, knowing that what I was about to say would shake the students out of their comfort zone.

Arab refugees see double standards in Europe's embrace of Ukrainians


Syrian refugee, Ahmad Al-Hariri, who fled the war in his country for neighbouring Lebanon 10 years ago, spent the last decade hoping in vain to escape to a new life in Europe, Reuters reports.

Watching European nations open their arms to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in less than a week, the father of three cannot help but compare their fates.

Analysis: Ukraine war tests growing China-Russia partnership

By Ken Moritsugu

BEIJING (AP) — Three weeks ago, the leaders of China and Russia declared that the friendship between their countries “has no limits” as they met in Beijing on the eve of the Winter Olympics. But that was before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a gambit that is testing just how far China is willing to go.

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