Human Rights

Indian raids a brazen attack on democratic rights, reminiscent of infamous Emergency: Left parties

New Delhi, Aug 28; PTI: The CPI(M) today lodged its strong protest against the police raids on several civil and human rights activists and left intellectuals, and said it constituted a brazen attack on democratic rights and civil liberties.

The CPI(M) Polit Bureau demanded withdrawal of the cases against these activists and their immediate release, while the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation said the move was "reminiscent of the infamous Emergency" of the 1975.

Indian security forces kill two Kashmiris – a possible fake encounter

Two Kasmiris have been killed by Indian security forces in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir, in an alleged encounter.

"It was a specific operation and in a swift action both the terrorists involved in several cases of civilian atrocities and attacks on policemen were eliminated," Inspector General of Police, Kashmir Range, S P Pani said.

Scores of Dalit and human rights activists arrested, homes raided in five Indian states

Police has raided the homes of Dalit and human rights activists in Maharashtra, Telangana, Delhi, Haryana and Goa, and arrested Vernon Gonsalves in Mumbai, Gautam Navlakha in Delhi, Sudha Bharadwaj in Haryana, and poet Varavara Rao in Hyderabad.

Mr. Rao’s daughter in Hyderabad, Mr. Navlakha and Ms. Bhardwaj’s homes in Delhi and Haryana respectively, and professor Anand Teltumbde’s house in Goa were also raided by police.

Palestinian PM calls U.S. accomplice in Israeli occupation of Palestinian land

RAMALLAH, Palestine, Aug 28 (NNN-XINHUA) - Palestinian Prime Minister, Rami Hamdallah, said, the current U.S. government is an accomplice, in Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land and destabilisation of the region.
He made the remarks, during the opening ceremony of a new hospital in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Israel demolishes Palestinian assailant's home: military

JERUSALEM, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Israeli forces demolished early on Tuesday morning the family home of a Palestinian who killed an Israeli in a West Bank settlement in July.

The military's Spokesperson's Unit released a footage showing a bulldozer razing the one-storey home in the Kauber village, north of Ramallah.

Israeli worshippers enter West Bank holy site, sparking violent clashes

JERUSALEM, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces have erupted in the West Bank city of Nablus after the Israeli military allowed Jewish worshippers to enter a holy site, the army said on Tuesday.

The Times of Israel reported that five Palestinians were injured. There were no reports of injuries among the Israeli forces.

The incident took place in Joseph's Tomb, a funerary monument outside Nablus holy to both Jews and Muslims, overnight between Monday and Tuesday.

Facebook bans Myanmar military chief, others to stop hate

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Facebook said Monday that it is banning Myanmar’s powerful military chief and 19 other individuals and organizations from its site to prevent the spread of hate and misinformation.

The social media giant was heavily criticized for permitting itself to be used to inflame ethnic and religious conflict in the country, particularly against minority Rohingya Muslims. It has been accused of being lax in fighting online misinformation and manipulation in many countries, but Myanmar is one where it has been most closely tied to deadly violence.

Experts: UAE, Saudis may have committed war crimes in Yemen

GENEVA (AP) — Three experts working for the U.N.’s top human rights body say the governments of Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia may have been responsible for war crimes including rape, torture, disappearances and “deprivation of the right to life” during 3½ years of escalated fighting against rebels in Yemen.

In their first report for the Human Rights Council, the experts also point to possible crimes by rebel Shiite militia in Yemen, which has been fighting the Saudi-led coalition and Yemen’s government since March 2015.

German police criticized after violent far-right protest

BERLIN (AP) — German police and security officials faced criticism Tuesday following violence during a far-right protest in the eastern city of Chemnitz that left at least six people injured.

The protest late Monday, sparked by the killing of a 35-year-old German man in an altercation with migrants over the weekend, erupted into clashes between neo-Nazis and left-wing counter-protesters.

UN calls for genocide probe of Myanmar's top military

By Meryem Goktas

ANKARA; 27 Aug 2018; AA: The UN on Monday called for an investigation and prosecution of Myanmar's top military officials for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against Rohingya Muslims.

According to a report by the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, human rights violations and abuses committed in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan States need to be probed at the International Criminal Court.

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