
Business & Economy

Russia starts imposing new taxes on U.S. goods

MOSCOW, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- Russia on Sunday started imposing additional import tariffs of 25-40 percent for a range of U.S. goods, according to the Russian government.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev last month signed a government order setting the new tariffs, stipulating that it would become effective 30 days after its official publication on July 6.

South Sudan's rivals ink final deal on power-sharing, security

KHARTOUM, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- South Sudan's conflicting parties on Sunday signed a final deal in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on power-sharing and security arrangements.

The deal, reached through talks brokered by the Sudanese government with a mandate by the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development in Africa, was signed by South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, major opposition leader Riek Machar and representatives of other South Sudanese opposition factions.

UK trade minister Liam Fox says EU pushing Britain to no-deal Brexit

5 Aug 2018; DW; UK trade minister Liam Fox has accused the European Union of pushing Britain toward an exit from the bloc without a trade deal. He said Brussels was obsessed with EU rules, rather than focusing on economic well-being.

Britain's international trade secretary, Liam Fox, has put the odds of the UK leaving the European Union without agreeing terms to formally finalize its exit at 60-40.

Erdogan: Turkey to freeze assets of 2 US secretaries

By Fatih Hafiz Mehmet

ANKARA; 4 Aug 2018; AA; The Turkish president said Saturday they will freeze assets of the U.S. "justice and interior" secretaries in Turkey.

"I am instructing my friends today. We will freeze assets, if there are any, of the U.S. justice and interior secretaries in Turkey," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, speaking at ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party's Women Branch congress in Ankara.

Speaking about the U.S. move to freeze assets of Turkish justice and interior ministers, he said: "This is not logic."

North Korea criticises 'alarming' US impatience on denuclearisation

4 Aug 2018; AFP; North Korea on Saturday said the US was acting with "alarming" impatience on the issue of denuclearisation, after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stressed the need to maintain full sanctions pressure on Pyongyang.

The contrasting comments at a security forum in Singapore came after a new UN report showed Pyongyang was continuing with its nuclear and missile programmes and evading sanctions through ship-to-ship oil transfers.

Erdogan sanctions US officials in tit-for-tat row over pastor

4 Aug 2018; AFP; President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said Turkey would impose sanctions on two US officials as retaliation for a similar move by Washington, hitting back in an unprecedented row between the NATO allies.

Turkey's holding of pastor Andrew Brunson on terror-related charges for almost two years has sparked one of the most intense crises between Washington and Ankara since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.

Russia names Steven Seagal humanitarian envoy with US

5 Aug 2018; AFP; Moscow has appointed US actor Steven Seagal as a special envoy, dealing with humanitarian links with the United States, the Russian foreign ministry announced Saturday.

"Stephen Seagal has been appointed special representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of Russia on Russian-American Humanitarian Ties," the foreign ministry said on its website

"The task is to promote the further development of Russian-American relations in the humanitarian sphere, including interaction in the field of culture, art, public and youth exchanges and more," it added.

China says tariff threat against US 'justified'

5 Aug 2018; AFP; China's foreign minister said Saturday that his country's threat to impose retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion of American goods in an escalating trade spat was "fully justified".

Beijing threatened Friday to bring in the levies on products ranging from beef to condoms, after US President Donald Trump's administration upped the ante in its plans for additional tariffs on Chinese goods worth $200 billion.

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