Washington DC

US widens trade war with tariffs on European planes, cheese, whisky to punish subsidies

WASHINGTON, Oct 3 (NNN-AGENCIES) –The United States said it would slap 10% tariffs on European-made Airbus (AIR.PA) planes and 25% duties on French wine, Scotch and Irish whiskies, and cheese from across the continent as punishment for illegal EU aircraft subsidies.

The announcement came after the World Trade Organization gave Washington a green light to impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of EU goods annually in the long-running case, a move that threatens to ignite a tit-for-tat transatlantic trade war.

What's that sound? A "Marsquake" heard by NASA

2 October 2019; AFP: NASA on Tuesday released two audio clips of seismic activity on Mars after an "exquisitely sensitive" detector was set down on the planet's surface late last year.

The quakes, far too quiet to be picked up by the human ear, were recorded by the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) in May and July.

Scientists hope that studying how seismic waves move through the planet's interior will reveal the deep inner structure of Mars for the first time.

US House Subcommittee to Hold a Hearing on Human Rights in South Asia on October 22nd

Press Release Sep 30, 2019

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Brad Sherman, the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Asia, announced that on October 22nd at 10 a.m., the Subcommittee will soon hold a hearing on “Human Rights in South Asia.”

Important for larger bilateral relationship to have some early results on trade issues: India, US

Washington, Oct 1 (PTI) It is important for the larger India-US relationship to have some early results to address concerns on the trade issues between the two countries, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his American counterpart Mike Pompeo agreed here during a meeting.

Trade tensions between India and the US have been rising with American President Donald Trump complaining that tariffs imposed by New Delhi on American products were "no longer acceptable".

India's stand clear on Kashmir, won't accept third party mediation: Jaishankar

Washington, Oct 1 (PTI) Categorically rejecting any scope for third party mediation between India and Pakistan on Kashmir, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said India's stand has been clear for decades and the two countries can discuss the issue bilaterally.

Jaishankar arrived here on Sunday night from New York after attending the annual General Assembly session of the United Nations along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, the two leaders held bilateral meetings with dozens of world leaders.

Indian FM Jaishankar questions bids to hyphenate India with Pakistan

Washington, Oct 1 (PTI) The attempts to hyphenate India with Pakistan post Article 370 abrogation are being made by people "over-obsessed" about it, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said here, questioning how can one country be compared with the other which is one-eighth of its economic size.

The Indian government decided to revoke the special status to Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate the state into two Union Territories on August 5.

Trump wants to meet whistleblower in Ukraine scandal

Washington, Sep 30 (AFP) President Donald Trump said Sunday he wants to meet the anonymous whistleblower at the center of the scandal threatening his presidency.

Trump has been relatively quiet this weekend but in a series of evening tweets he also blasted Democratic lawmakers and the media as he railed against the impeachment inquiry launched last week.

Trump signs stopgap funding bill, averting US government shutdown

WASHINGTON, Sept 28 (NNN-Xinhua) — US President Donald Trump on Friday signed a stopgap funding bill, averting another government shutdown days before the end of the current fiscal year.

The so-called continuing resolution will keep the federal government running through Nov 21.

The House and Senate both passed the measure on a bipartisan basis to allow lawmakers to have more time to decide the specific spending levels for federal departments.

The current fiscal year ends on Sept 30 and the 2020 fiscal year starts on Oct 1.

Paistank FM boycotts Jaishankar's opening statement at SAARC meeting in New York

United Nations, Sep 26 : Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Thursday boycotted External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar's opening statement at the meeting of the SAARC Council of Foreign Ministers, saying his country will not engage with India "until and unless" it lifts the "siege" in Kashmir.

The meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session here started in his absence.

US to slash refugee resettlement programme by 40%

WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The Trump administration plans to dramatically lower the ceiling of a decades-old refugee resettlement programme to 18,000 people from its current level of 30,000, the State Department said.

“This refugee admissions proposal reaffirms America’s enduring commitment to assist the world’s displaced people, while fulfilling our first duty to protect and serve the American people,” the department said.

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