
Turkey’s Red Crescent launches mobile clinics in Syria

AZAZ, 19 May 2019; AA: The Turkish Red Crescent, locally known as Kizilay, launched mobile clinics in northern Syria on Saturday.

The launching ceremony was held in Friendship Refugee Camp in Syria's Azaz district and attended by Red Crescent head Kerem Kinik and deputy governor of Turkey's bordering Kilis province, Hakan Yavuz Erdogan.

Militants shell 9 settlements in Syria over last 24 hours

MOSCOW, May 14. /TASS/: Militants in the Idlib de-escalation zone have shelled nine settlements in Syria's provinces of Hama and Latakia over the last 24 hours, head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting sides Viktor Kupchishin said on Tuesday.

"Over the last 24 hours, militants shelled the settlements of Kermel (twice), Qesab, Darh-abu-Asad, Sanjeka, Jubb ez-Zaur, Nahsheeba and Safsafa in the province of Latakia; Al-Haush and Skalbia in the province of Hama," Kupchishin said.

Syrian army reaches Idlib border - TV

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/: The Syrian military forces have liberated five settlements in the northwest of Syria from terrorists on Saturday, reaching the administrative border between the provinces of Idlib and Hama, the Al Mayadeen TV channel informed.

According to the channel, the Syrian fighters had managed to destroy a command center and several warehouses belonging to the Jabhat al-Nusra terror group (outlawed in Russia).

Heavy airstrikes, shelling target rebel positions in Syria's Hama, Idlib

DAMASCUS, May 11 (Xinhua): Heavy airstrikes and shelling targeted rebel positions in the northern countryside of Hama province and the nearby countryside of Idlib province on Saturday as part of an ongoing Russian-backed campaign, a war monitor reported.

The Russian and Syrian warplanes started the 12th day of escalation with airstrikes and ground shelling on rebel positions in northern Hama and the southern countryside of Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The Britain-based watchdog group said that the airstrikes renewed after midnight Saturday.

Russian, Syrian servicemen hold WWII Victory Parade at Hmeymim airbase

HMEYMIM /Syria/, May 9. /TASS/: About 750 personnel of the Russian military contingent in Syria and the Syrian government troops and around 20 items of military hardware took part in the parade at the Hmeymim airbase to mark the 74th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s Victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

More than 150,000 displaced in northwest Syria in one week: UN

7 May 2019; AFP: Violence in the northwestern Syrian region of Idlib has displaced more than 150,000 people in the past week, the UN said Tuesday, as the regime and Russia upped deadly bombardment of the jihadist bastion.

The uptick in strikes and shelling on the region dominated by Syria's former Al-Qaeda affiliate has also knocked 12 hospitals and 10 schools out of action, it said.

Three children rescued from Syrian camps undergoing rehabilitation in Russia

SEVASTOPOL, May 7. /TASS/: Three children of terrorists eliminated in Syria have been rescued from refugee camps on the territory of the republic and are currently undergoing rehabilitation in Russia, member of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Dmitry Sablin told TASS on Tuesday.

Russian plane delivers 8 tonnes of humanitarian aid from Mongolia to Syria

DAMASCUS, May 6. /TASS/: A Russian plane has delivered 8 tonnes of humanitarian aid from Mongolia to the Khmeimim Air Base in Syria, Sergei Smolinsky, representative of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the warring parties, told reporters.

He said that the distribution of the cargo among the most needy groups of Syrian population has already begun.

"This assistance is very much needed by the Syrian people today," said Smolinsky.

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