
Israeli army tanks strike eastern Gaza

GAZA, March 30 (Xinhua) -- Israeli army tanks stationed on the border between eastern Gaza Strip and Israel struck on Friday night two military posts of the Islamic Hamas movement in southern and northern Gaza Strip, causing no injuries, according to local media reports.

The Gaza-based Al-Quds Radio reported that the Israeli army tanks fired a tank shell at a lookout post that belongs to Hamas militants east of central Gaza Strip close to the border with Israel.

Pompeo attends summit in Jerusalem about Israeli gas pipe line

JERUSALEM, March 20 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attended a summit with Israeli, Greek, and Cypriot heads of states in Jerusalem on Wednesday, discussing a natural gas pipeline.

The meeting was attended by Pompeo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

"The leaders discussed regional issues and deepening the cooperation between the countries," according to a statement released by the Israeli Prime Minister's Office.

Israeli forces kill teen Palestinian in Occupied Territory

JERUSALEM/RAMALLAH, March 19 (Xinhua) -- A Palestinian suspected of killing two Israelis was shot dead by Israeli forces in a crossfire on Tuesday night, two days after a manhunt, the army said.

Omar Amin Abu Laila, who carried out a deadly shooting and stabbing attack on Sunday, was tracked down in a house in the West Bank village of Abwein near Ramallah city, according to Palestinian media reports.

A short army notice said "the terrorist was tracked down and killed in fire exchanges with the Israel security forces."

Israel's top court disqualifies far-right candidate from elections over suspected racism

JERUSALEM, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Israel's Supreme Court disqualified on Sunday a far-right candidate accused of racism from the general elections in early April.

The court said in a statement that Michael Ben-Ari, a candidate with the Union of Right-Wing Parties, a union of ultra-nationalist parties, cannot run for the national elections.

In a legal opinion submitted to the court, the Attorney General's Office said Ben-Ari should be disqualified.

Netanyahu campaign draws accusations of incitement

JERUSALEM (AP) — When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has run into political trouble in the past, he has lashed out at the media, the political opposition and Israel’s Arab minority with incendiary and divisive language to galvanize his nationalist base.

Ahead of April 9 elections, Netanyahu has zoned in on prominent Arab lawmaker Ahmad Tibi.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with women's group at holy site in Jerusalem

08 Mar 2019; DW: Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews were bussed in to disrupt a prayer service by the liberal Women of the Wall group. Members of the group had to be escorted out for their safety after being spit on and threatened.

Clashes broke out between thousands of young, ultra-Orthodox Jews and the Women of the Wall (Neshot Hakotel) movement at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Friday.

Israel's first spacecraft to moon sends selfie

Jerusalem, Mar 5 (AFP) An Israeli spacecraft on its maiden mission to the moon has sent its first selfie back to Earth, mission chiefs said on Tuesday.

The image showing part of the Beresheet spacecraft with Earth in the background was beamed to mission control in Yehud, Israel -- 37,600 kilometres (23,360 miles) away, the project's lead partners said in a statement.

Israel attorney general says plans to indict Netanyahu

28 Feb 2019; AFP: Israel's attorney general announced Thursday he intended to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust in a decision just weeks ahead of April elections.

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit said in a statement that he intended to charge the premier pending a hearing, where Netanyahu would be given a chance to defend himself before charges are filed.

Netanyahu to be charged with corruption on eve of Israeli elections

JERUSALEM, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- Israel's Attorney General announced on Thursday that he decided to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for corruption.

The announcement came weeks before Israelis head to a general election in which Netanyahu is running for re-election.

According to the decision of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, the Israeli prime minister will be entitled to a hearing before the final decision.

Russia, Israel to set up working group on removing foreign forces from Syria

TEL AVIV, February 27. /TASS/. Russia and Israel will set up a working group with several other countries to consider the issue of removing all foreign forces from Syria, a high-ranking source in the Israeli government told reporters on Wednesday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Moscow.

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