
Egypt’s pyramids light up with Lebanon flag in solidarity with blast victims

05 Aug 2020; MEMO: Egypt’s pyramids have been lit up with the Lebanese flag to show solidarity over the explosion yesterday that ripped through the capital Beirut.

Egypt’s Tourism and Antiquities Ministry shared on Facebook photos of the pyramids and offered their condolences to the country in the aftermath of the blast.

Egypt activists blame Sisi for failure in dam negotiations

04 Aug 2020; MEMO: As the African Union mediated a new round of Renaissance Dam negotiations at the beginning of this week, Egyptians on social media blamed President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi for the crisis.

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan have disagreed for years, primarily on how Ethiopia will fill the dam in order to maintain enough water for the upstream countries.

Egypt and Sudan are worried that if Ethiopia fills the dam too quickly, they will not have enough water.

Egypt denies its pyramids were built by aliens

04 Aug 2020; MEMO: Egypt was forced to deny that its iconic pyramids were built by aliens after claims made on Twitter by US billionaire Elon Musk went viral this weekend.

In a tweet, the eccentric billionaire claimed that the pyramids in Egypt were “obv” built by aliens, to which the Egyptian government extended an invitation to Musk to visit the famous landmark himself to see that it was in fact ancient Egyptians who built them with their own hands.

Egypt churches reopen after coronavirus closures

04 Aug 2020; MEMO: Egyptian churches yesterday reopened and held the first mass after a four-month hiatus that aimed to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus among churchgoers, the Coptic Orthodox Church said in a statement.

The churches’ reopening is accompanied by strict health and safety protocol and comes as an implementation of the Cabinet Council’s decision, which was followed by instructions by Pope Tawadros of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Egypt: Turkey's seismic survey could encroach on its waters

02 Aug 2020; MEMO: Egypt said on Saturday that part of a seismic survey planned by Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean potentially encroached on waters where Cairo claims exclusive rights, according to report by Reuters.

An advisory issued last month by Turkey for the survey overlaps with Egypt’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), constituting “a violation and an attack on Egypt’s sovereign rights”, the Egyptian foreign ministry said in a statement.

Egypt rejects Turkey's Mediterranean navigational warning for seismic survey

CAIRO, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- Egypt rejected on Saturday a recent navigational warning issued by Turkey to carry out seismic survey in the eastern Mediterranean.

In a statement, Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that parts of the surveyed area lie within the Egyptian "exclusive economic zone," stressing that the procedure is not consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Joining the conflict in Libya, Turkey sees economic gains

CAIRO (AP) — When Turkey’s president signed a security deal last year to back one of the sides in Libya’s civil war, another agreement was waiting to be signed by his new proteges the same day: a memorandum redrawing the two countries’ maritime borders.

In Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s memo, Turkey and Libya lay claim to large areas of the Mediterranean Sea and the potential natural gas deposits under it. The deal achieved a longtime goal of Turkey — finding a partner to back its claims.

Egypt: Sisi rules out military action over Ethiopia dam

29 July 2020; MEMO: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi said that his country is keen on resolving the crisis over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam through negotiations and not military action.

In statements he gave during the inauguration of an economic project, Al-Sisi added that Egypt supports Ethiopia’s right to pursue its development as long as this does not affect the Nile waters that reach Egypt.

Egypt announces new gas discovery in Nile Delta

29 July 2020; MEMO: The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum yesterday announced the discovery of a natural gas reservoir in the Nile Delta area with an estimated production of 32 million cubic feet per day.

The newly discovered prospect, Bashrush, is located 22 metres deep, in the North El- Hammad, 12 kilometres away from the Nooros field and around one kilometre from Baltim South West field.

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