
Tunisian PM rules out nationwide lockdown despite rapid increase of COVID-19 cases

TUNIS, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Tunisian Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi has ruled out again the possibility of a nationwide lockdown despite the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in the country, the Tunis Afrique Presse reported Monday.

However, targeted lockdown could be imposed to preserve the balance between the health of citizens and economic activities, Mechichi said.

Tunisia runs out of intensive care beds as covid cases rise

23 Apr 2021; MEMO: Tunisian hospitals have run out of intensive care beds amid a surge in coronavirus cases, a member of the independent scientific committee that advises the government said yesterday.

Amenallah Messadi told Reuters the health system had been pushed to the point of collapse by a rise in cases driven by the more infectious coronavirus variant first detected in Britain.

At least 40 migrants drown in shipwreck off Tunisia

TUNIS, April 17 (NNN-AGENCIES) — At least 40 migrants drowned in a shipwreck off Tunisia as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to Italy, United Nations and Tunisian officials said.

The Tunisian coastguard had so far recovered 21 bodies, all African migrants, and rescued three people, Tunisian officials said. The dead included at least one child.

Tunisia: Public debt at highest level

12 Apr 2021; MEMO: Tunisian Minister of Finance and Investment Ali Al-Kali announced that public debt has reached its highest level, amounting to 16 billion Tunisian dinars ($5.7 billion).

In a statement to Watania 1, Al-Kali said: "Tunisia's budget deficit is mainly related to paying back old loans, which prompted the government to borrow more funds to bridge the debts."

'Tunisia needs respectful parliament and responsible government': Kais Saied

10 Apr 2021; MEMO: Tunisian President Kais Saied has asserted: "Tunisia needs a respectable national parliament and a fully responsible ministry (referring to the government)."

This came in a speech delivered by Saied during his participation in the commemoration of the 83rd anniversary of Martyrs' Day in Tunis on Friday morning.

Tunisia suspends Isha, Taraweeh prayers in mosques

08 Apr 2021; MEMO: Tunisia's Ministry of Religious Affairs announced on Thursday that citizens are allowed to perform prayers in mosques, including the Friday prayer, outside of curfew hours.

This came in a statement issued by the ministry one day after the authorities decided to tighten curfew measures in Tunisia due to a surge in coronavirus infection rates.

Tunisia, China sign economic, technical cooperation agreement

TUNIS, April 6 (Xinhua) -- Tunisia and China signed on Tuesday an economic and technical cooperation agreement at the headquarters of the Tunisian Foreign Ministry in Tunis, capital of Tunisia.

The cooperation agreement, signed by Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia Zhang Jianguo and Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs Othman Jerandi, "shows, once again, the sincerity and the quality of the friendship between our two peoples and countries," said Zhang.

Tunisian president, Arab League chief discuss Arab development

TUNIS, April 5 (Xinhua) -- Tunisian President Kais Saied received Monday the visiting Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit.

According to the presidency, the two officials reviewed the activities of the general secretariat of the League of Arab States and discussed the latest developments in the region.

"Saied stressed the need to adopt a new approach in the service of joint Arab action, while calling for reviewing regulations, developing specialized Arab structures and organizations and making their work more effective," reads the presidency statement.

Tunisians demand Italy take back waste

SOUSSE (Tunisia), March 29 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Dozens of Tunisian activists protested in the port city of Sousse to demand the return of nearly 300 containers of household waste illegally imported from Italy.

Tunisian customs officials last summer seized 282 containers that had been shipped from Italy in the guise of plastic scrap for industrial recycling.

But the containers were found to contain household waste, which is barred from import under Tunisian law.

Tunisia launches first satellite into space

22 Mar 2021; MEMO: Tunisian satellite Challenge ONE was launched today from the Baikonur base in south-central Kazakhstan aboard the Russian Soyuz-2.1a rocket which was also carrying other satellites, Xinhua reported.

Challenge ONE was designed and developed exclusively by Tunisian labour and is a small satellite that weighs about three kilogrammes, and will be used in the Internet of Things technology.

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