
Israel disappointed with appointment of new EU foreign minister

5 July 2019; MEMO: Israel Hayom reported, Thursday, that Israel is disappointed with the expected appointment of Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell as the new EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

According to the newspaper, Borrell will replace the current High Representative, Federica Mogherini, who was an unpopular figure in Israel because of her stubborn support for the Iran nuclear deal and for her relatively pro-Palestinian tendencies.

German researchers suggest Biblical-era Philistines came from Europe

4 July 2019; DW: Bones unearthed in Israel and analyzed in Germany may have revealed the origins of the ancient Philistine people.

The Philistines were believed to have arrived in modern-day Israel in the 12th century BC, though there was little evidence to suggest where the people had come from.

Israel to open diplomatic mission in Oman, Mossad chief claims

2 July 2019; MEMO: Israel is renewing formal relations with Oman and plans to open a diplomatic mission in the Sultanate, Yossi Cohen, the head of Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad, has claimed.

Speaking at a conference yesterday in Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, Cohen claimed that “just recently, renewal of formal relations with Oman was declared and the establishment of a representative office of the foreign ministry in that country”.

Rights group begins legal action after Israel park bans Palestinians

2 July 2019; MEMO: The Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel – better known as Adalah – has begun legal action against the northern Israeli city of Afula, after it banned non-residents from using a local park in a bid to prevent Palestinian citizens of Israel from using the facility.

Germany's AKK travels to Israel in first overseas visit as CDU leader

1 July 2019; DW: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), kicked off her first visit to Israel on Monday by addressing tensions with Iran and urging for more defense spending in Germany.

Speaking at a security conference in the city of Herzliya, she defended the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, saying that the world has not yet found a more suitable way to curb Iran's nuclear program.

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