
Thousands protest in Belarus amid continued crackdown

Kyiv, Nov 2 (AP/PTI) Thousands of protesters in Belarus swarmed the streets of the capital to demand the resignation of the country's longtime president for the 13th straight Sunday and encountered police using stun grenades to break up the crowds and making warning shots in the air from what authorities said were "non-lethal weapons".

Lukashenko reminds national security officers of importance of Belarusian sovereignty

MINSK, October 30. /TASS/: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko called on the national security officers and all people to defend the sovereignty of the country amid the ongoing situation in the republic and ensure its consecutive development for future generations.

Lukashenko: Students taking part in Belarus protests should be expelled

MINSK, October 27. /TASS/: Students who join illegal protest rallies in Belarus should be dismissed from universities, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Tuesday.

"Students. If you came to study, then study. Let those study who want to. And those who joined unauthorized rallies in violation of law should be stripped of the right to be a student. As I said, please send them to the army or to the streets. Let them walk around the streets. But they must be expelled from universities," Lukashenko noted.

Security services can do plenty to defend Russian, Belarusian interests, intel chief says

MINSK, October 22. /TASS/: Special services of Russia and Belarus have a great potential to ensure the two states’ interests and react adequately to the emerging threats and challenges, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Head Sergei Naryshkin told a meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Thursday.

"The security services can do a great deal to guarantee the interests of our countries and the interests of our citizens and protect them from those threats that emerge from time to time," Naryshkin affirmed.

Belarus: Lukashenko says situation around Union State difficult

MINSK, October 22. /TASS/: The situation around the Union State of Russia and Belarus is difficult, the allies need to jointly react to emerging challenges, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Thursday at a meeting with Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin.

"We openly say that the situation around us is difficult, I mean the Union State of Russia and Belarus," he noted.

Troops employ latest anti-drone system in post-Soviet security bloc’s drills in Belarus

LOSVIDO TRAINING GROUND /Belarus/, October 16. /TASS/: The troops of Russia’s Central Military District employed the latest Silok anti-drone system at the final stage of the Unbreakable Brotherhood-2020 peacekeeping drills of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Belarus, the District’s press office reported on Friday.

The drills are running at the Losvido training range in the Vitebsk Region.

Belarus threatens to fire on anti-Lukashenko protesters

MINSK, Oct 13 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Belarus threatened to fire on protesters to break up demonstrations against President Alexander Lukashenko, as EU foreign ministers agreed to impose sanctions personally targeting the strongman leader.

The use of live firearms would mark a major escalation in the two-month standoff between Lukashenko and protesters, who have staged peaceful rallies against his disputed re-election in August and against the abuse and torture of detainees.

Belarus: Protesters and security forces clash in downtown Minsk

MINSK, October 11. /TASS/: Clashes between protesters and security forces began in the center of the Belarusian capital on Sunday near the Minsk Hero City Obelisk, a TASS correspondent reported.

Several hundred demonstrators gathered outside the obelisk, when police vans arrived at the square. The security forces later started dispersing protesters with billy clubs and detaining them.

The protesters started pelting the security forces with various objects. A sound similar to a stun grenade’s explosion was heard at the scene of the clashes.


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