
UN rights chief urges "concerted, multilateral" work on human rights

GENEVA, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Wednesday urged nations to come together to work on critical human rights issues in a "concerted, multilateral fashion."

"International agreements such as the Paris climate agreement, the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees provide solid, pragmatic advice, and of course the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and relevant human rights treaties chart the way," said Bachelet.

G20 pledge to human-centered future of work policies welcomed by ILO

GENEVA, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) -- The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Guy Ryder has welcomed a declaration by G20 members on Monday committing to a human-centered future of work policy priorities.

"The G20 clearly recognizes the urgency of addressing the multitude of challenges we face in this rapidly changing world of work. The commitment to adopting human-centered policies for the promotion of decent work is key," said Ryder in a statement released here.

UNHCR says at least 40 feared dead or missing in shipwreck off Libya

GENEVA (Reuters) - About 40 people are feared dead or missing after the latest wreck of a boat carrying migrants bound for Europe off the coast of Libya, while about 60 people may have been rescued, the U.N. refugee agency said on Tuesday.

“Terrible news coming in of potentially large loss of life in a shipwreck off the coast of Libya,” UNHCR spokesman Charlie Yaxley said in a tweet, adding that details were still sketchy.

“Around 60 people have been rescued and returned to shore. At least 40 people are estimated to be dead or missing.”

Iran says it has sold oil from tanker released by Gibraltar

GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran has sold the oil from a tanker released by Gibraltar after weeks in the custody of British Royal Marines and the vessel’s owner will decide on its next destination, IRIB news agency quoted an Iranian government spokesman as saying on Monday.

He did not identify the recipient of the oil. After Gibraltar freed the Adrian Darya tanker on Aug. 18, the United States said it would take every action it could to prevent it delivering oil to Syria - the original stated reason for its detention - in contravention of U.S. sanctions.

Sindhu becomes first Indian shuttler to win World C'ships gold, bear Okuhara in final

Basel (Switzerland), Aug 25 (PTI) P V Sindhu on Sunday became the first Indian to win badminton World Championships gold by beating familiar rival Nozomi Okuhara of Japan in a lop-sided final here on Sunday

The Indian won 21-7 21-7 in the summit clash that lasted just 38 minutes

Two years after being robbed off the gold by Okuhara in an epic 110-minute final at Glasgow that went down as one of the greatest battles in badminton history, Sindhu finally exorcised the ghost of that heart-wrenching loss with a completely dominating win over the same opponent

Iran test fires new missile: Iran Revolutionary Guards commander

GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran has test fired a new missile, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Major General Hossein Salami, said on Saturday, according to the Tasnim news agency.

“Our country is always the arena for testing a variety of defense and strategic systems and these are non-stop movements towards the growth of our deterrent power,” Salami said. “And yesterday was one of the successful days for this nation.”

He did not provide any additional information about the missile.

UN’s human rights experts urge India to end communications shutdown in Kashmir

GENEVA, Aug 22 (APP): As communication blackout in Indian occupied Kashmir entered its 19th day on Thursday, the human rights experts of the United Nations called upon India to end the crackdown on freedom of expression, access to information and peaceful protests.

German detained over fake bombs at Zurich Street Parade

12 August 2019; DW: A 31-year-old allegedly left a backpack full of fake bombs at a street festival. But police are mystifed by the man's motive.

Police arrested a German man on suspicion of leaving an orange backpack filled with fake bombs at an annual street parade in Zurich, Switzerland, they said on Monday.

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