
Venezuela detains opposition leader Guaido's uncle

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan authorities detained opposition leader Juan Guaido’s uncle after the two men arrived at the main airport in Caracas, ruling Socialist Party Vice President Diosdado Cabello said on Wednesday.

Juan Jose Marquez, who was with Guaido on his return to Venezuela on Tuesday after a three-week international tour, passed “migration normally, and as he was about to leave ... he was held for an alleged Seniat review,” Guaido’s press team wrote on Twitter. Seniat is Venezuela’s national tax agency.

US sanctions against Venezuelan state airline violate international law: aviation agency

CARACAS, Feb 12 (NNN-Xinhua) — US sanctions against Venezuela’s state-owned airline Conviasa violate international law, said Jorge Alvarez, president of the Chamber of Venezuelan Air Transport Companies.

The only organization with the power to stop a carrier from flying from one country to another is the International Civil Aviation Organization, Alvarez told a local radio station.

“From a strategic viewpoint, Conviasa flies to a series of destinations that our country’s executive branch considers to be fundamental,” said Alvarez.

Venezuela Denounces “Terrorist Attack” Against Communications Companies

CARACAS, Feb 10 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – Venezuelan Vice President, Delcy Rodriguez, denounced a “terrorist attack” on a warehouse in the northern state of Carabobo belonging to two state-owned communications companies.

“A terrorist attack caused a fire in the CANTV and Movilnet Flor Amarillo Warehouse, resulting in the total loss of strategic telecommunications material,” Rodriguez said, through her Twitter account.

Venezuela denounces "terrorist attack" against communications companies

CARACAS, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez on Sunday denounced a "terrorist attack" on a warehouse in the northern state of Carabobo belonging to two state-owned communications companies.

"A terrorist attack caused a fire in the CANTV and Movilnet Flor Amarillo Warehouse, resulting in the total loss of strategic telecommunications material," Rodriguez said through her Twitter account.

Russia deems attempts to topple Venezuela’s government unacceptable - Lavrov

CARACAS, February 7. /TASS/: Russia deems any attempts to topple Venezuela’s legitimate government absolutely unacceptable and will do its best to have them condemned by the world community, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"Regrettably, the current crisis around Venezuela stems from attempts to stage a large-scale campaign geared to topple the legitimate government using all possible options, including the use of force, as this campaign’s organizers declare," he said at a meeting with representatives of Venezuela’s national reconciliation roundtable.

Russia to develop military technical cooperation with Venezuela - Lavrov

CARACAS, February 7. /TASS/: Russia will develop military technical cooperation with Venezuela to help it ensure its defense capacities, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday after a meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

"Naturally, we will develop military technical cooperation, to safely ensure the defense capacity of our friends, especially in the face of external threats," he said.

Russian top diplomat arrives in Venezuela

CARACAS, February 7. /TASS/: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has arrived in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas, the last leg of his tour of Latin American countries, a TASS correspondent reported. Lavrov has already made visits to Cuba and Mexico.

Venezuelan top diplomat Jorge Arreaza welcomed Lavrov and other members of the Russian delegation at the airport. The Russian foreign minister is expected to meet with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and hold talks with Vice President Delcy Rodriguez.

Lavrov last visited Venezuela in August 2011.


Venezuela’s Guaidó angles for Trump meeting at end of trip

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó wraps up an international tour with a rally in Miami on Super Bowl weekend with the looming question whether the opposition leader can score an important meeting with President Donald Trump.

Guaidó’s ability to win face time with Trump in a symbolically important meeting will test the young political leader’s standing with his most important international ally.

Venezuelan president invites UN, EU to accompany conciliation talks with opposition

CARACAS, Jan 24 (NNN-Xinhua) — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro invited delegates from the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN) and the governments of Argentina, Mexico and Panama to accompany his government’s conciliation talks with the opposition.

During an anti-imperialist rally in Caracas, Maduro called on the regional governments and the international organizations to follow the process of the talks, as the two sides are trying on an agreement for holding legislative elections.

Venezuela intelligence agents raid Guaido offices: opposition

22 January 2020; AFP: Agents from Venezuela's Sebin intelligence service have raided the offices of opposition leader Juan Guaido while he is travelling in Europe, an opposition lawmaker said.

"We have just confirmed that Sebin officers are inside the office," lawmaker Delsa Solorzano told reporters Tuesday after speaking with security guards at Caracas's Zurich Tower.

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